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All of our icons are available for both Macintosh and Wintel users. Please be sure you select the appropriate archive for your computer, as icon file formats are not directly interchangeable between platforms.
We've chosen to set a background color for some of the representative images here, to improve visibility of their details against a white page. Please note that the actual icons themselves all have transparent backgrounds.
Available icon sets:
Chiana |
Rygel, Eyes Open |
Rygel, Eyes Closed |
Download: |
Drak Facing Left |
Drak Facing Right |
Download: |
Comms v.1 |
Comms v.2 |
Comms v.3 |
Winona v.1 |
Winona v.2 |
Winona v.3 |
Download: |
Farscape 1 Module
Small |
Large |
Large Outlined v.1 |
Large Outlined v.2 |
Download: |
Plain |
Eyes Closed |
Eyes Open |
One-Eye |
Download: |
Farscape Logos
Farscape 1 Mission |
Farscape "S" |
Farscape "S" Rounded |
ARSCAP Rounded |
Download: |
* The ARSCAP image arose out of the 2001 Official Farscape Convention held in Burbank. The convention organizers were using a computer to project images onto a large screen at the back of the stage. Unfortunately, they improperly sized their image of the "FARSCAPE" title, and the "F" and "E" disappeared off the edges of the screen. As a result, convention-goers joked all weekend about attending the Official ARSCAP Convention.
Plain |
White Label |
Black Label |
Banned v.1 |
Banned v.2 |
Banned v.3 |
Banned v.4 |
Download: |
Plain |
Rounded |
Download: |
Revenging Angel
The original Macintosh version of this set was created by the Icon Factory, which retains all copyright to its own artwork (the Wintel version was converted by Snurcher's Guide staff). However, their icons were adapted from the fine animation work of Yoram Gross-EM.TV, and no doubt Henson and their Farscape production team retain copyright to the characters themselves. In short: these are for personal use only, and cannot be used for profit or as part of any commercial project.
John Crichton |
Aeryn Sun |
Ka D'Argo |
Harvey /Scorpy |
Download: |
Currently, these cursors are only available for the Wintel platform.
We've chosen to set a background color for some of the representative images here, to improve visibility of their details against a white page. Please note that the actual cursors themselves all have transparent backgrounds.
Available cursor sets:
Rygel |
Rygel, Blinking (Loops 2 Images) |
Download: |
Comms v.1 |
Comms v.2 |
Comms v.3 |
Winona v.1 |
Winona v.2 |
Winona v.3 |
Download: |
Farscape 1 Module
Small |
Large |
Large Outlined v.1 |
Large Outlined v.2 |
Download: |
Plain |
Running Lights |
Blinky |
Blinky Question |
Blink Yes |
Blink No |
Blink Frell |
Tumbling |
Download: |
Note: The "Yes" and "No" images are blinking "yes" and "no" just as DRD Pike did in "Losing Time". The "Frell" image is actually blinking "frell" in Morse Code.
DRD Arrows
Ascending |
Descending |
Horizontal |
Move |
Vertical |
Download: |
Plain |
White Label |
Black Label |
Banned |
Glowing |
Download: |
Arrow |
Arrow Hollow |
Arrow Hollow 3D |
Radar |
Radar Sweep |
Ring Hollow |
Arrow Solid |
I-Beam |
I-Beam Thin |
Precision Select |
Download: |
On a Macintosh, they're Desktop Pictures; on a Wintel, they're Wallpapers. Either way, they're JPEG images, 1024x768 pixels (or at least, the ones on this page are).
Plain |
Grey |
Grey (Light) |
Washed Out |
Weathered |
Original Painting |
Download: |
What they are: X-faces are black and white images measuring 48x48 pixels, which are used by some usenet newsreader programs to display a small custom image on posts from a particular user. (A few email programs also recognize them.)
Important Note: We regret that due to time restrictions, we cannot provide instruction on creating, installing, or using these images; however, we're happy to tell you that everything we know, we learned at MERP and the X-Pository. Please check out these sites for some excellent resources, or do a quick Google search on the term "x-face".
All of our x-faces are platform independent (they are, after all, simply text strings); however, since Macintosh and Wintel users generally use slightly different download formats, we've provided both Stuffit and Zip files of the x-faces on this page.
Available x-face sets:
Basic Set 1
Comms |
Drak (Left) |
Drak (Right) |
DRD Side View |
Froonium |
Mission Patch |
Module |
Rygel |
Winona |
Download: |
Revenging Angel
These x-faces are adapted from the excellent Farscape "Revenging Angel" icon set at the Icon Factory, which retains all rights to their own artwork. However, their icons were adapted from the fine animation work of Yoram Gross-EM.TV, and no doubt Henson and their Farscape production team retain copyright to the characters themselves. In short: these are for personal use only, and cannot be used for profit or as part of any commercial project.
John Crichton |
Aeryn Sun |
Ka D'Argo |
Harvey /Scorpy |
Download: |
