About the Annotations
The primary author of this material is Jerry Boyajian, aka jayembee, who notes:
Dedicated to the Lord High Chancellor of Pop Culture Annotations, Jess Nevins. For examples of the amazing Jess at work, check out his comic book annotations, particularly those for THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN.
Additional credit for their comments and contributions goes to (in alphabetical order)
Kevin Alan,
Mark Blunden,
Penni Brough,
T. Erik Browne,
Steve Clark,
Tom Francis,
Paul Frankenstein,
Mat Harold,
Joan Hedman,
John Iwaniszek,
Christa Jonkergouw,
Dan Kelly,
Lee Kelly,
Gareth Kitchener,
Jim Larson,
Bronwyn Lewis,
Ken McElhaney,
William McNee,
Alex Moon,
Mark Morrison,
Matt Morrison,
Captain Nerd,
Katherine Ramsey,
Luc Schots,
John Sergent,
Hank Shiffman,
Nick Simino,
catherine summers,
Adam Thorp,
and Graham Thurwell.
Episodes are listed in production number order.
This may differ from your country's broadcast order.
Season One
D.K.: "Uh, oh -- one small step, bud."
D.K. is using the famous line, spoken by Neil Armstrong as he made the first human step out onto the Moon's surface, "That's one small step for man...one giant leap for mankind," to indicate that John's astronaut-hero father (who also walked on the moon) has entered the room.
John: "Oh, no, that's your good luck charm. Yuri Gagarin gave you that."
Yuri Gagarin (see also http://www.allstar.fiu.edu/aerojava/gagarin.htm) was the Soviet Cosmonaut who, aboard Vostok 1 in 1961, became the first human being to reach outer space.
John: "Boy, was Spielberg ever wrong. Close Encounters, my ass."
Refers to Steven Spielberg's 1977 film CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND.

I, E.T.
The title is a play on Steven Spielberg's 1982 film E.T., and possibly Robert Graves's I, CLAUDIUS or Isaac Asimov's I, ROBOT (or some similar title).
John: "Kinda like Louisiana. Or Dagobah. Dagobah -- where Yoda lives."
Aeryn: "Who's Yoda?"
John: "Just a little green guy. Trains warriors."
Aeryn: "Oh."
Refers to the Jedi Master who first appears in 1980's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK.
John: "Pilot said you press this, this, and...this. What? It's just like a VCR...except easier."
Refers to the classic frustration of otherwise intelligent people, whose VCRs perpetually are blinking "12:00".

Exodus from Genesis
The title is, of course, a play on the titles of the first two books of the Old Testament.
John: [after using the dentic] "It's kinda minty."
A reference to various American television commercials for toothpaste, which promised to leave users with minty fresh breath.
John: "How fast can they go?"
Aeryn: "Hetch seven.
John: "Hetch seven? [That] thing's a Hyundai -- why don't we stop playing hide and seek and just smoke 'em?
Hyundai is a Korean manufacturer of economy automobiles, which are marketed in the United States. Whatever their product's actual quality may be, they have frequently been the target of derisive humor.
John: "D'Argo, the giant ouija board says, uh...optimum plus 3."
Ouija boards have been available since 1890, and are used as either (depending on your viewpoint) a parlor game or a method of communicating with the spirit world. John may have chosen the term in this case because Moya's controls still seem somewhat mysterious to him.
John: "Oh, I am trying, but you know, with Aeryn and D'Argo, it's like everything's a test. It's like I'm in some never ending frat hazing at Alien U."
Zhaan: "Frat...hazing?"
John: "Next planet, I'll rent you a copy of ANIMAL HOUSE."
John Landis's ANIMAL HOUSE, the ultimate frat movie.
(The part of the above quote following "everything's a test" appears only in the longer version of the episode available on DVD/VHS.)

Throne for a Loss
John: "We do know that they'll pay us to haul cargo, which they're not gonna do if you go in there doing your John Wayne impression."
Aeryn: "John Wayne. Who's that? A relative?"
John: "John Wayne? No. The big guy. TRUE GRIT, THE SEARCHERS, THE COWBOYS, GENGHIS KHAN. No, look, forget about GENGHIS KHAN. Everybody makes a bad movie..."
Sterling examples of how a mediocre actor can make some of the best films in the Western genre. Henry Hathaway's TRUE GRIT, Mark Rydell's THE COWBOYS, and especially John Ford's THE SEARCHERS are classic Westerns. THE SEARCHERS, in particular, is considered by many to be one of the best Westerns ever made.
As for that last one, well, actually, this is an error. Crichton is mixing up the film title with the character. In what is generally considered the worst piece of casting in movie history, Wayne plays Temujin in THE CONQUEROR, directed by actor Dick Powell. The film is also notorious for being the death (literally) of a large number of its cast and crew: it was filmed in the desert near the sites of the atom bomb tests, and the bulk of the cast and crew (including Powell, Wayne, Susan Hayward, and Agnes Moorhead) ended up dying from cancer.
John: "Kung Fu. Kung Fu never carried a gun."
Once again, he's mixing up the character with the title. What he's referring to is Kwai Chang Caine, hero of the 1970s TV series KUNG FU.
John: "Pilot, get a tractor beam on that shuttle."
Pilot: "Tractor beam? What's that?"
The first of many references to STAR TREK.
Tractor beams actually pre-date Star Trek (E. E. 'Doc' Smith's Lensman novels from around 1950, for instance, feature both tractor and pressor beams), though Star Trek popularized the concept. Then again, John might have been thinking of Star Wars.
John: "Good night, sweet prince."
Quote from Shakespeare's HAMLET, Act V, Scene 2:
Now cracks a noble heart. Good night, sweet prince,
And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!
John: "That's your plan? Wile E. Coyote would come up with a better plan than that!"
Wile E. Coyote (Canis Nervous Rex) is, of course, the Warner Bros. cartoon character created by Chuck Jones and Michael Maltese. Despite being a self-styled Super Genius, his overly elaborate plans to catch the Road Runner for dinner always went awry.
John: "Willpower. Like the Green Lantern's ring."
Green Lantern is a DC Comics superhero. There have been various incarnations of the character, but the best known is Hal Jordan, a test pilot recruited by the Guardians of the Universe to be a member of their interstellar police force, the Green Lantern Corps. Green Lantern's "weapon" was his ring, powered by his willpower, which enabled him to create energy constructs in the form of whatever his imagination conjured up. For everything you could want to know about the Green Lanterns, go to http://www.glcorps.org/ or http://www.emeraldwarriors.com/
John: "I'm sorry...I don't feel anything. In fact, I feel pretty good. I feel real good. Oh, right. It's working."
This probably isn't an intentional allusion, but it reminds me of an exchange between Jack Burton (Kurt Russell) and Wang Chi (Dennis Dun) in John Carpenter's BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA. After they and their companions drink a mystical potion prior to descending into the villain's lair, Burton says: "Feel pretty good. I mean I'm not...uh...I'm not scared at all. I just feel kind of...I feel kind of invincible."

Back and Back and Back to the Future
The title is a reference to Robert Zemeckis's popular time travel movie BACK TO THE FUTURE. The episode itself could be seen as inspired by GROUNDHOG DAY or 12:01 P.M..
John: "How about...how about mental abilities? Do they have, like, telepathic powers of seduction? Psychic Spanish Fly. You know, that?"
At various points in history, pulverized Spanish Fly has been considered an aphrodisiac.
While we have seen the Peacekeeper logo prior to this (in the Command Carrier scenes in "Premiere"), this episode gives us our first really good look at it, in the Aeryn/Matala sparring scene. The logo is taken right from the piece of Russian Constructivist art "Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge" by El Lissitzky.
Here's a relevant quote from FARSCAPE: THE ILLUSTRATED COMPANION, by Paul Simpson and David Hughes (London: Titan Books, 2000), pp 27-28:
"There were other artistic influences on the fight scene. Ricky Eyres explains: 'Russian constructivism was a form of art that developed before the revolution. There was a famous painting called "Beat the Whites with the Red Witch" [sic], and there's one blatant piece of it in this episode, which you see when Aeryn's fighting with Matala. It starts with an overhead crane shot, and it's actually that painting, broken down as a carpet. It just seemed to fit, and from a visual point of view it was very strong.'"
The mural to the side of Aeryn and Matala was created by production designer Ricky Eyres in the same style as Lissitzky's work.

Thank God It's Friday. Again.
John: "Oh, yeah, I think I've seen this one. Mel Gibson, Tina Turner...cage match."
Rygel: "What?"
John: "Oh, don't worry. Nobody saw the third one anyway."
He's referring, of course, to the 1985 film MAD MAX BEYOND THUNDERDOME. For an interesting analysis of the film, check out http://www.transparencynow.com/maxintro.htm or for a mythological analysis of the series as a whole, http://web.1earth.net/~postmodm/m/text/madmax.html
John: "My boy D'Argo, into the Promised Land..."
A reference to the Biblical concept of a "land of milk and honey".
John: "Look, Woodstock has done something to his head..."
Reference to the 1969 Woodstock Music Festival, using it as a metaphor to describe Volmae's drugged-out, "hippy"-like personality.
Aeryn: "Where's Zhaan?"
John: "Look, she's with D'Argo, OK? Dancing with the Grateful Dead."
Another metaphor, referring to the rock band that's generally perceived as a favorite with druggies.
John: "I know -- and we're all grateful that you did the Madame Curie thing, but..."
Aeryn: "What? Who?"
John: "Madame Curie. She's...she's a scientist."
And discoverer of radium. An excellent biographical drama about her was filmed in 1943, starring Greer Garson as Marie and Walter Pidgeon as her husband Pierre. See also http://www.physics.purdue.edu/wip/herstory/curie.html
John: "Oh, give it a rest, Snow White."
The famous character, from the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, who played Den Mother to a bunch of vertically challenged working class guys.

PK Tech Girl
John: "Like, shouldn't we be doing Warp a thousand by now?"
Another Star Trek reference.
D'Argo: "This ship is legendary even in my culture. It was thought invincible."
John: "Yeah, well just ask Leonardo DiCaprio. Even the big ones go down."
Reference to James Cameron's 1997 film TITANIC.
Ben Browder reportedly has said he wanted to change this line to "...ask Leonardo DiCaprio, Bill Clinton...". Fortunately, saner heads prevailed. ;-)
Aeryn: "Well, be that as it may, we can't stall them for eight arns."
John: "Four. Four. I'll...um...uh...I'll do half the work. What? There some kind of union thing I don't know about?"
Gilina: "No, it's just this wiring is very...sophisticated."
John: "Yep. And I love opera."
John's alluding to the commonly held attitude that liking opera is a sign of sophisticated taste.
(The part of the above quote following "half the work" appears only in the longer version of the episode available on DVD/VHS.)
John: "And so it's red wire, blue wire, red wire, blue wire, and at the last possible second [clicks tongue] he cuts the wrong wire."
Gilina: "And the bomb never goes off."
John: "No no no. He cuts the wrong wire. That's the whole point. Fifteen seconds later, they're running out of the building. Everything blows all to hell."
Gilina: "And you call this entertainment?"
Here John is describing the opening scene to the 1992 Mel Gibson/Danny Glover film LETHAL WEAPON 3.
Aeryn: [shoots the Sheyang, who explodes] "Sorry about the mess."
From STAR WARS, spoken by Han Solo as he nonchalantly strolls out of the Mos Eisley cantina after shooting Greedo.
John: "I had a poster of Clint Eastwood." [Aeryn looks puzzled] "THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY."
Sergio Leone's most popular "Spaghetti Western", and the film that established Eastwood as a major film star.
(This particular bit of dialog only appears in the longer version of the episode available on DVD/VHS.)

That Old Black Magic
The title is taken from an old jazz song.
Maldis: "I got a lot o' names, John-boy, call me whatever pops your cork."
John: "Yeah. Right. You're a regular Laurence Olivier."
The late Laurence Olivier, whose career spanned almost six decades, is one of the most esteemed actors of British theatre and film, and considered by many to be the greatest actor of the 20th Century. He was knighted in 1947, and made a baron in 1970.
John: "Oh, it's not Kansas. And you're way too homely to be Auntie Em. But...come here, Toto."
Several references to the film version of THE WIZARD OF OZ.

DNA Mad Scientist
"NamTar" is "Rat Man" spelled backwards. Additionally, "Namtar" was the name of a minor Sumerian god associated with disease and pestilence. "It is fate, destiny in its evil aspect, pictured as a demon of the underworld."
John: "The map thing? NamTar's magic crystal? Well, Larry, Curly, and Moe just found out that they can only use one of the maps. Two of them ain't going nowhere. I tell you, it's a regular FAMILY FEUD up there."
Two references for the price of one. Larry [Fine], Curly [Howard], and Moe [Howard] are the classic Three Stooges. Which of the Stooges maps to which of D'Argo, Zhaan, and Rygel is left as an exercise for the reader.
FAMILY FEUD is the inexplicably popular American (former) game show hosted by ex-Hogan's Hero Richard Dawson.
John: "No, believe it or not, we've had men like you on my planet. Educated men. Men of science and medicine. Men who were searching for some self-described ideal, and willing to maim and murder untold thousands to find it. There was one...his name was Mengele. To him, anyone was fair game as a subject of his experiments: the weak, the handicapped, men, women, children..."
Crichton is referring to Josef Mengele, the infamous Nazi doctor. Known primarily for comitting atrocities at the Auschwitz concentration camp during WWII, Mengele was referred to as "the Angel of Death".
John: "It's a happy face."
Aeryn: "They're food cubes."
John: "No, see, the pattern forms a...never mind."
Apparently, the Uncharted Territories have not yet discovered the ubiquitous yellow smiley face.

They've Got A Secret
The title is a play on another American TV game show, I'VE GOT A SECRET, hosted by Garry Moore, which ran from 1952 to 1967. Two later 1970s incarnations were hosted by Steve Allen.
John: "Look, Moya's a living being, right? And there are viruses galore out here in the galaxy. I mean, hell, what are our chances that we're gonna catch the Corrubian Plague or something?"
It feels as though "Corrubian Plague" could be another Trek reference, but so far the search for a source (under a variety of spellings) has not been successful.
John: "Uh oh. Eyes."
Aeryn: "Eyes?"
John: "Yeah, like a cave scene in a Yosemite Sam cartoon."
Another character from Warner Bros's Looney Tunes.
John: "You missed that Hitchcock picture playing back there a little while ago, but a flock of these little guys just tried to kill me."
A reference to the famous Alfred Hitchcock thriller THE BIRDS (see also http://www.filmsite.org/bird.html).
John: "Yeah, is there some kind of 'What to Expect When You're Expecting a Baby Leviathan' book? Dr. Spock...Mr. Spock..."
A play on the name similarity between the notable "baby doctor" (Benjamin Spock) and the Star Trek character.
"What to Expect When You're Expecting" is the title of a very popular book for pregnant women that covers each stage of pregnancy in a very reader friendly format, and describes all of the various changes that are occurring to the fetus and the mother's body.

Till the Blood Runs Clear
John: "I'm Butch. This is Sundance. We're the Hole in the Sky Gang."
Rorf: "Butch. And Sundance. I am Rorf."
John: "Worf?"
Rorf: "RORF!"
Three references in one. John is, of course, referring to the title characters played by Paul Newman and Robert Redford in 1969's BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID.
Hole In The Wall was a popular hideout (in Johnson County, Wyoming) used by Butch & Sundance, Jesse James and others. Hole In The Wall the place led to the name "Hole In The Wall Gang" for the outlaws who hid out there. John's version, "Hole in the Sky", perhaps is drawn from the fact that he's looking for a wormhole.
"Worf" is YASTR (Yet Another Star Trek Reference), to the character portrayed by Michael Dorn.
(The part of the above quote following "This is Sundance" appears only in the longer version of the episode available on DVD/VHS.)
John: "Who's calling the shots here, Pluto?"
A reference to Mickey Mouse's faithful canine companion.
Furlow: "Must be hard for someone as, ah...invulnerable as you to have to rely on the kindness of strangers."
An allusion to a line by Blanche DuBois in A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE (see also http://www.filmsite.org/stre.html), from the play by Tennessee Williams:
"Whoever you are, I have always depended on the kindness of strangers."
(The above episode quote appears only in the longer version of the episode available on DVD/VHS.)

Rhapsody In Blue
The title is taken from what is arguably George Gershwin's most famous composition.
The painting in the archway of the Delvian Temple is taken from "The Old Glen Mill", by Maxfield Parrish.
John: "That's my underwear."
Aeryn: "What does this say?"
John: "Calvin."
Aeryn: "Well, then, they're not yours."
John evidently was wearing Calvin Klein boxers when he left Earth; Aeryn is looking at the tag in the back of the waistband, which carries the brand name.
Jenn & Alex's Crichtonisms site also suggests that this may be a "fantastic, subtle reference on the part of the writers to a scene in the 1985 movie BACK TO THE FUTURE."
John: "Is that what happened to Grandpa Looney Tunes?"
"Looney Tunes" is the series of cartoons from Warner Bros., successor to "Merrie Melodies". More recently, it's become an idiomatic expression to describe someone who's crazy, and that's undoubtedly the case here, rather than a direct reference to the cartoons.
John: "So what are you supposed to do? Serve as the poster child for the revolution?"
John is referring to the practice of selecting a representative client of a charity, whose image is then used on posters promoting the charity's work.
John: "The part of Tahleen in tonight's Unity will be played by John Crichton."
The standard practice in live theater, when an actor in a major role cannot appear, is to announce the name of the actor who will be portraying the character in his or her stead.
John: "It's like...Disney on acid."
John highlights the strange, contradicting duality of Unity, by describing it as a combination of the "squeaky clean" maker of animated films & amusement parks, and the powerful hallucinogenic drug LSD.

The Flax
John: "Oh, I don't know how you're supposed to have fun, but this is fun. This is Top Gun. This is the need for speed."
Top Gun is a special school established by the U.S Navy in 1969 at Miramar Naval Air Station in San Diego to train its elite pilots in advanced aerial combat tactics.
It came into the popular American consciousness through the 1986 Tony Scott film starring Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer (see also http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Hills/6698/topgun.html).
(This particular bit of dialog only appears in the longer version of the episode available on DVD/VHS.)

Jeremiah Crichton
The title is taken from the 1972 Robert Redford film JEREMIAH JOHNSON, directed by Sydney Pollack.
Aeryn: "Look, this is hardly the time for human nonsense, Crichton."
John: "Oh, God, that is it -- you are so damn smart. There's no time for any stupid human anything. And I'm sick of it, Aeryn. I'm sick of Napoleon the Fourteenth, I'm sick of Blue, I'm sick of Tentacle Boy. And guess what? I'm sick of you. I'm sick of this whole turd-burp end of the universe."
Our favorite Dominar is actually Rygel the 16th. Napoleon XIV was the stage name of Jerry Samuels, known best for his 1966 hit song, "They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa!".
John: "Well, hakuna matata, Masata."
"Hakuna matata" is the phrase (and song) from Disney's THE LION KING.
John: "The slug who would be king."
A reference to the Rudyard Kipling story, "The Man Who Would Be King", made into an excellent movie by John Huston, starring Sean Connery and Michael Caine.

Durka Returns
John: "I guess we can turn off the 'fasten-seatbelt' sign now."
Reference to the turbulent nature of Moya's movement. Federal regulations in the United States require that seatbelts be worn by all aircraft passengers during takeoff and landing, when the Fasten Seatbelt sign is illuminated. (The sign may be switched off at the pilot's discretion, indicating that passengers may safely leave their seats, but is generally switched back on if the aircraft encounters turbulence.)
John: "I don't give a damn if she's an ax-murderer, Elvis. She was just talking to me."
Elvis Presley. The King. John probably thought that Salis's funky sideburns made him look like Elvis.
In the "inside joke" department, the make-up for Salis was reportedly based on Craig Barden (the Director of Photography for season one), who resembled Elvis.
John: "Nebari mental cleansing doesn't get the tough stains out."
A reference to various American television commercials for laundry detergents.
John: "He's a psychopath -- legendary -- and nobody knows what a 100 years of eating Happy Meals have done to him."
"Happy Meals" are a menu item at the McDonald's fast food chain. Intended for kids, they come in fun boxes, and include a toy of some sort, typically a licensed product that promotes something (like, say, a Disney movie). Here's an interesting site -- it's commercial (they're trying to sell these items), but it shows some of the toys that have been included with Happy Meals over the years.
John: "Look, I don't have time to play this game. Durka's gone Hannibal Lecter on us."
Chiana: "I don't know what that means."
It means that he's turned into a psycho killer, a la "Hannibal the Cannibal", the popular character created by Thomas Harris for his novel RED DRAGON (filmed as MANHUNTER and to be remade under the original title). Hannibal then appeared in two sequels: THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS and HANNIBAL. For the books: http://www.randomhouse.com/features/thomasharris/home.html

A Human Reaction
John: "Who won the Super Bowl, Cobb?"
Cobb: "I don't know."
John: "I know you're Australian, Cobb, but you gotta know who won the Super Bowl. You know who Ty Cobb is, Cobb? No? How 'bout...how 'bout Babe Ruth? You know who Babe Ruth is?"
Cobb: "Some fat guy that played for the Yankees."
John: "Good. Fat guy. At least you know something."
The Super Bowl is the big game of the American football season, played in January to determine the National Football League championship team.
Ty Cobb (see also fan site) and Babe Ruth were two of baseball's greatest players. They were the subjects, respectively, of the films COBB, starring Tommy Lee Jones as Cobb, and THE BABE, starring John Goodman as Ruth.
Wilson: "Who is it?"
John: "Who's on first? What's on second? I don't know! I can't see 'em!"
"Who's on first?" is probably the best known vaudeville routine of the comic duo Bud Abbott and Lou Costello. The complete routine, as done in the 1945 film THE NAUGHTY NINETIES, can be found at http://us.imdb.com/Quotes?0037939

Through the Looking Glass
John: "Salmonella...what the hell is that?"
Salmonella is a variety of food poisoning.
Pilot: "Quantify 'disappeared'."
John: "Here one second, gone the next. Dis-a-Elvis-has-left-the-building-appeared."
(By the way, that's a "[sic]". Crichton actually does say the "a" in both places.)
"Elvis has left the building" was a signature phrase used at Elvis's concerts to indicate to the audience that the show was over and that they should go home.
(The part of John's line in the above quote before "these readings" appears only in the longer version of the episode available on DVD/VHS.)
John: "OK, Alice, once more through the looking glass."
A reference, of course (and from whence the episode's title comes) to THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS, Lewis Carroll's sequel to ALICE IN WONDERLAND.
Zhaan: "Then why can't we see them?"
Pilot: "Because..."
John: "Because you don't have X-ray vision...do you?
X-ray vision is one of Superman's better known powers.
John: "Still auditioning for STAR SEARCH, I see."
Hosted by the ever-smiling Ed McMahon, STAR SEARCH was a notable televised talent show that ran from 1983 to 1995. Several successful stars got their start on this show, including the infamous Britney Spears and the 400 pound Gorilla, comedian Dennis Miller.
(On his HBO show, DENNIS MILLER LIVE, Miller is listed in the closing credits as "400 Pound Gorilla", from the old joke "What does a 400 pound gorilla say?" "Anything it wants to.")

A Bug's Life
The title is taken from the Disney-released film from Pixar Studios.
John: "Rygel has been possessed by some Mensa-member virus..."
John is playing on the term "intellivirus", by comparing it to the Mensa society, which describes itself as a group of "people from every walk of life whose IQ is in the top 2% of the population".
John: "And what if you don't? You might kill Rygel. You might think your magic pill worked, and then Rygel's up, walkin' around the ship, coughin' up spores, cats and dogs living together..."
From a line by Bill Murray in the film GHOSTBUSTERS, during the scene in the New York City Mayor's office:
Venkman: "Or you could accept the fact that this city is headed for a disaster of Biblical proportions."
Mayor: "What do you mean, Biblical?
Ray: "What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor. Real wrath-of-God type stuff. Fire and brimstone coming down from the sky. Rivers and seas boiling."
Egon: "Forty years of darkness, earthquakes, volcanoes."
Winston: "The dead rising from the grave."
Venkman: "Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria."
(Rockne S. O'Bannon confirms this line was added by Ben Browder, and is one of his favorites of Ben's ad libs.)
John: "Look, as soon as I leave here, I'm goin' straight to Hot Lips."
John's nickname for Lt. Hassan is a reference to Major Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan of M*A*S*H fame, played by Sally Kellerman in the original 1970 Robert Altman film, and Loretta Swit in the later TV series.

John: "Because a little while ago a commando skewered you with his Swiss Peacekeeper Army knife."
Reference to the universal tool/knife (in many respects, the predecessor to today's Leatherman tools) which was popularized during WWII.
John: "Oh, yeah. You should see my Immelmann. Check this out."
An aerial maneuver (named for a WWI flying ace) in which the aircraft loops up and over, then rolls back into a right side up position, resulting in it flying at a slower speed, but at a higher altitude and in the reverse direction. Both filmed and animated demonstrations are available online.
Chiana: "The more they look at me, the less they look at you."
John: "Do you think that, before they elect you centerfold of the year, we could get on with the business of saving Aeryn?"
John is commenting on Chiana's sexual mores by referring to the practice of including a two-page photograph of an attractive woman in the exact middle of a magazine (literally, on the center fold); while such pictures in the past were merely suggestive "pin-ups", the current style depends on models who are generally nude, and often in explicit poses. Playboy magazine is known for designating one nude model per issue as the "playmate of the month", and one model annually as the "playmate of the year".
Scorpius: "I'm Scorpius."
John: "But of course you are."
John is mimicking Sean Connery's line (and accent) from 1971's James Bond installment, DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER:
Plenty O'Toole: "Hi, I'm Plenty."
James Bond: "But of course you are."
Plenty O'Toole: "Plenty O'Toole."
James Bond: "Named after your father, perhaps?"
John: "For the ninth time, Nosferatu, I'm not a spy."
Nosferatu ("undead") was the title given to F.W. Murnau's unauthorized silent film adaptation of Bram Stoker's DRACULA after Stoker's estate sued. One can watch the film via Real Player at http://tlc.discovery.com/tlcpages/specialeffects/nosferatu.html
There was also a remake by Werner Herzog in 1979, and 2000's SHADOW OF THE VAMPIRE, starring John Malkovich and Willem Dafoe, was about the making of Murnau's film.
John: "Danger, danger, Will Robinson. Beware the chair. Beware the chair."
"Danger, danger, Will Robinson" was a frequent utterance by the Robot to Billy Mumy's character in TV's LOST IN SPACE, and made reference to in the 1998 film version.
John: "Fetch the comfy chair."
From Monty Python's famous "Spanish Inquisition" sketch.
John: "I got my mind right, boss. Be nice."
A quasi-quote from the 1967 film COOL HAND LUKE, starring Paul Newman (see also http://www.filmsite.org/cool3.html):
Boss Paul: "You got your mind right, Luke?"
Luke: "Yeah. I got it right. I got it right, boss."
John: "It's deja vu all over again."
A paraphrase of one of baseball great Yogi Berra's famous yogi-isms, "It's like deja-vu, all over again."

The Hidden Memory
Stark: "If you don't stop, I'm going to have to kill you."
John: "Give it a coupla days, and I think Scorpy and Peacekeeper Barbie will do it for you."
A tip of the hat to that great American institution, the Barbie Doll, in all of its infinite variations.
John: "Well, thanks for the family tree, Crais, but frankly, I don't give a damn."
The famous quote by Rhett Butler (Clark Gable) to Scarlett O'Hara (Vivien Leigh) in the 1939 Civil War epic film GONE WITH THE WIND (see also http://www.filmsite.org/gone.html):
Scarlett: "Rhett... If you go ... where shall I go? What shall I do?"
Rhett: "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."
Scorpy: "What is that, mmmmm?
John: "I don't know. Kinda looks like an episode of MELROSE PLACE."
The infamous primetime soaper.
John: "Aeryn. Did you bag yourself a senior officer?"
Aeryn: "Ran into an old friend. Let's go."
A nod to STAR WARS, paraphrasing an exchange between Han Solo and Princess Leia (when they meet up again after being separately chased through the Death Star by Stormtroopers):
Han: "What kept you?"
Leia: "We, uh, ran into some old friends."
At approximately 37 minutes into the episode (sans commercials), there's a visual reference to the sex scene between Jack (Leonardo Di Caprio) and Rose (Kate Winslet) in TITANIC. Rygel's hand streaking down the fogged up portal of the pressure tank mimics that of Rose's streaking down the fogged up window of the automobile in the cargo hold.

Bone To Be Wild
The title is a play on the phrase "born to be wild", which could be a reference to several different things, including the classic rock'n'roll tune by 1960s rock band Steppenwolf.
John: "One, two, three, four to beam down, Pilot."
John: "Swamp Thing here ain't the Mr. Rogers scientist we thought he was."
Dr. Alec Holland was a scientist who was killed while working on a "bio-restorative" formula in his lab out in the Louisiana bayous. The formula combined with muck from the swamp turned him into...Swamp Thing. This DC Comics character was created by Len Wein and Berni Wrightson, but later achieved notice for a highly regarded run in the early 1980s by British writer Alan Moore.
The character was also the basis for two films (http://us.imdb.com/Title?0084745 and http://us.imdb.com/Title?0098193) and a TV series (http://us.imdb.com/Title?0098919).
"Mr. Rogers" is Fred Rogers, host of the PBS children's show MR. ROGER'S NEIGHBORHOOD. He's been both praised and satirized for his mellow demeanor.

Family Ties
John: "Yeah, but what if one of us did the same thing, but at the last second veered off straight into the bridge? A Trojan Horse."
The legendary method of disguising an attack as a gift, as described in one 4th century account, The Fall of Troy.
John: "Well, it's a...Jerry Springer kinda family. But for what it's worth, Zhaan, you are family."
Jerry Springer is the king of syndicated dysfunctional relationships. His show is the TV equivalent of the freak show at the circus.
John: "Never before the big game. Hm? But thanks."
It was a long-held popular belief that athletes should abstain from sex prior to a major game or event, to avoid prematurely draining their strength. More recent research (as described in, for example, AskMen.com, TheAge.com.au, and Ultramarathon World) appears to debunk this concept.
John: "Sparky, Spanky, Fluffy, Buckwheat the 16th..."
Four of the most common (the only one missing is "Guido") nicknames that John has given Rygel. This isn't the first time John has used these, but here he mentions all four in one fell swoop. I don't know if "Sparky" or "Fluffy" (or "Guido") are specific references, but "Spanky" and "Buckwheat" are two of the best known of the Little Rascals (a.k.a. Our Gang), stars of many well-loved short films.
John: "Leader bogeys on the way. Fly faster, Rasta-man."
A comparison of D'Argo's braids and tentas to the dreadlocks favored by practitioners of Rastifarianism.
John: "Kirk and Spock. Heh heh heh. Abbott and Costello."
Comparing himself and D'Argo to two other popular duos, the leads of STAR TREK, and one of the most famous comedy teams.
John: "Hey, you bastards. John Crichton was here."
Recalls the WWII American soldiers' habit of scrawling "Kilroy was here" (often with an accompanying cartoon) wherever they went overseas, which came to be seen as a sort of nose-thumbing at enemy forces.
Season Two
Dream A Little Dream
The title comes from the song of the same name. "Dream a Little Dream of Me" is an old standard (lyrics, sound clip) written in 1931 by Gus Kahn, Wilbur Schwandt, and Fabian Andre. It's been recorded by numerous artists, most notably the 1960s group The Mamas and the Papas.
Zhaan: "The last 15 solar days have been unbearable."
John: "It hasn't exactly been a trip to Disneyland for us, either."
Another reference to the Magic Kingdom (see "Crackers Don't Matter").
John: "You're a 10th Level Pa'u. You get to 11, and we get a TV ministry."
It's likely that he's referring to the plethora of evangelists who sermonize to TV audiences.
However, a few viewers felt that it might also be a tip of the hat to THIS IS SPINAL TAP, and a scene between Christopher Guest & Rob Reiner. Guest is the lead guitarist ("Nigel") of Spinal Tap and Reiner is the director ("Marty") of the documentary that's being shot; Nigel is explaining that his guitar amp goes to eleven, rather than the standard ten:
Nigel: The numbers all go to eleven. Look, right across the board, eleven, eleven, eleven and -
Marty: Oh, I see. And most amps go up to ten?
Nigel: Exactly.
Marty: Does that mean it's louder? Is it any louder?
Nigel: Well, it's one louder, isn't it? It's not ten. You see, most blokes, you know, will be playing at ten. You're on ten here, all the way up, all the way up, all the way up, you're on ten on your guitar. Where can you go from there? Where?
Marty: I don't know.
Nigel: Nowhere. Exactly. What we do is, if we need that extra push over the cliff, you know what we do?
Marty: Put it up to eleven.
Nigel: Eleven. Exactly. One louder.
Marty: Why don't you just make ten louder and make ten be the top number and make that a little louder?
Nigel: [Pause] These go to eleven.

Mind the Baby
John: "D'Argo, shake it off. Come on, Rock, get off the canvas! You can do it. Rise and shine, up and at 'em. Break through. Man, this is getting old..."
There are split opinions on this one. A number of viewers took it as a reference to the professional wrestler known as The Rock. Others felt it was more likely a reference to the film series that began in 1976 with ROCKY, in which Sylvester Stallone plays Rocky Balboa, a no-name boxer with a shot at the title.
The argument between John and D'Argo during their rock-paper-scissors match, about whether or not paper beats rock, echoes a scene in TREMORS 2: AFTERSHOCKS, where the lead character asserts that rocks breaks through paper.
John: "You got a frog in your throat? You need a Hynerian Heimlich?"
Reference to the technique of clearing an airway obstruction, as introduced in 1974 by Dr. Henry J. Heimlich.
John: "Well, let's get that boy some guidance before he turns into a full-blown Menendez Brother."
After Talyn takes a shot at Moya in an effort to have Crais returned to him, John likens him to one of the Menendez Brothers, Lyle and Erik, who in 1996 were tried, convicted, and sentenced to life imprisonment for the 1989 murder of their parents.

Vitas Mortis
John: "Take a number, have a seat, no magazines...typical. [servant returns] Number 78?"
A common method of managing large groups of customers in the U.S. is to give each of them a number as they enter the premises, then serve each in turn by calling out the numbers in sequence.
John: "So, you...uh...you got the barcodes of a General, but you aren't one."
While barcodes are used for many different purposes, John is probably thinking of UPC codes, which are unique by specific product and package.
John: "So, let's get back to Moya and heat up some Irish coffees."
Irish coffee is a combination of Irish whiskey and hot, sweetened coffee, topped with cream.
John: "So, if she wants to rip out your liver, snack on it with a chianti, she can do that?"
Another reference (see "Durka Returns") to Dr. Hannibal "the Cannibal" Lecter, from THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS:
"A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti."

Taking the Stone
John: "Yo! Bob! Marley! You seen Molnon?"
Reference to the late (1945-1981) Bob Marley, considered by many to be the King of Reggae.
John: "Are we having a failure to communicate here?"
Another quasi-quote (see "Nerve") from the film COOL HAND LUKE (see also http://www.filmsite.org/cool3.html):
Captain (Strother Martin): "What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it. I don't like it any more than you men."
While tripping on Molnon's magic mushroom, John does an impression of Curly [Howard] of the Three Stooges.
Aeryn: "Wait...where are you going?"
John: "To see if this Excedrin headache was worth it."
A reference to the ad campaign by Excedrin for their pain reliever, which would refer to "Excedrin headache #__", implying that these were such that they could only be truly relieved with Excedrin.
John: "Aeryn, what the hell is wrong with you? You are the pin-up girl for frontal assault!"
Reference to the practice of selecting a specific female model to promote a cause or product, popular particularly during WWII, when aircraft crews often painted a pin-up's image on the nose of their plane for inspiration. (See also "Nerve".)
John: "Well, let's get her on the dog and bone."
Aeryn: "Whatever that means."
The Phrase Finder says that "dog and bone" is Cockney rhyming slang for telephone.
John: "Yes, and somebody has to do the bungee without the rope, except this time it's our friend jumping."
John is referring to the sport (sometimes known as "suicide practice") in which a participant attaches themself to a long elasticized rope, then jumps off a high bridge or platform; the rope catches them short of impact with the surface below, springing them back several times until the energy of their fall has been fully released. The modern sport is descended from a rite of passage for tribesmen in the South Pacific.

Crackers Don't Matter
John: "Oh, great, so he's like one of those mechanics on 60 MINUTES who says he's gonna help, and then he screws us."
60 MINUTES is the notable news magazine show that's been airing on CBS since 1968, and which excels at investigative reportage. Among the reporters who've made their names on this show are Mike Wallace, Dan Rather, Morley Safer, Harry Reasoner, Ed Bradley, and Diane Sawyer.
John: "You know, I once bought a set of knives from this guy on TV. Cat swore to me that...that they could...they could cut through bone, metal, shoes... Hell, he could cut through my damn car, and still dice tomatoes. You know what? He was lyin'."
T'raltixx: "I...I don't understand. If...if you don't wish my...my services..."
John: "Bingo! Give Brainiac the fluffy doll."
John is alluding to the television commercials for Ginsu Knives, which very definitely implied that the knives in question could cut through anything, including sheet metal, and still be sharp enough to easily slice a tomato.
"Brainiac" is slang for a genius. According to Bartleby.com, it probably comes from the comic book supervillain who was one of Superman's primary nemeses. The original version of Brainiac, an evil humanoid robot, first appeared in 1958. In the mid-1980s, DC Comics revamped all of their characters in varying degrees, and the new Brainiac was said to be an alien scientist whose mind took over that of a human circus mentalist, the Amazing Brainiac.
The "fluffy doll" references carnival games, in which successful contestants are awarded a toy, commonly a stuffed animal or doll.
John: "You seen him? He's blind. He's got a big head, but he's blind. Barring the Yoda factor, if he gives us any trouble, we lock him up."
Another reference (see "I, E.T.") to the Jedi Master of the STAR WARS series.
D'Argo: "What's going on in here?"
John: "Go back to your mountain, Grizzly. You're not wanted here."
A reference to the huge "mountain man" Grizzly Adams, played by Dan Haggerty, first in a 1975 film, THE LIFE AND TIMES OF GRIZZLY ADAMS, and then a 1977 TV series. Other theatrical and made-for-TV movies followed, some starring Haggerty, some not.
John: "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. Baskin Robbins, Ben & Jerry's, Good Humor. What's your favorite? Creamsicle or fudgsicle?"
"I scream..." is a favorite kids' rhyme. Baskin Robbins and Ben & Jerry's are two of the more popular brands of ice cream. Good Humor is a old time ice cream company now owned by Breyer's that created a number of ice cream novelties, known as Good Humor Bars sold by trucks that would travel through neighborhoods. Creamsicles and fudgsicles are two popular forms of ice cream bar.
John: "Gilligan and Mary Ann. Maybe you're Ginger. I'd have to, ah, see you in a Wonder Bra to know. Where are you guys taking the Minnow?"
GILLIGAN'S ISLAND (see also http://www.gilligansisle.com/) was the classic American TV sitcom that has become a landmark of popular culture. Gilligan, played by Bob Denver was first mate of the S.S. Minnow, which was to take five passengers (plus Gilligan and the Skipper) on an ill-fated "three hour tour". Mary Ann [Summers] (Dawn Wells) was the sweet young thing from the Midwest, while Ginger [Grant] (Tina Louise) the hot movie starlet. "Who do you prefer, Ginger or Mary Ann?" became a popular "game" among many American men who grew up watching the series. The series spawned three TV-movie sequels in the late 70s and early 80s.
As for Wonder Bras, well...you can find out about them at http://www.wonderbrausa.com/.
John: "Heeeerrrrre's Johnny! Hiya, Honey!"
Aeryn: "Go away!"
John: "Hiya, kids. What's goin' on? This a...French Revolution type of thing?"
John's first line is a reference to a scene in Stanley Kubrick's THE SHINING (see also filmsite.org), based on the Stephen King novel, in which Jack Torrence (Jack Nicholson), in the grip of madness, goes after his wife Wendy (Shelly Duvall) with a fire-axe. He sticks his face through a hole he's chopped in the door to the room she's hiding in, and says, "Heeeerrrrre's Johnny!"
This is, itself, a reference to Ed McMahon's traditional introduction of Johnny Carson each night on THE TONIGHT SHOW.
The "French Revolution type of thing" refers to Aeryn having set up a barricade at the door to Command. While participants in the French Revolution of 1789 (see also http://www.woodberry.org/acad/hist/FRWEB/) did not actually make use of that form of defense, barricades did serve a prominent role in the 1832 Paris uprising immortalized in Victor Hugo's novel LES MISERABLES. John is likely thinking of the later musical of the same name.
Pilot: [in a slow, measured cadence] "I'm sorry, John. I cannot do that."
A sly reference to Stanley Kubrick's 1968 film 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY:
Bowman: "Hello, HAL. Do you read me, HAL?"
HAL: "Affirmative, Dave. I read you."
Bowman: "Open the pod bay doors, HAL."
HAL: "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that."
Scorpius: "Revenge is a dish best served cold, and you like revenge, don't you?"
John: "Shut up! I hate it when villains quote Shakespeare."
This is likely YASTR (villains quote Shakespeare in both THE WRATH OF KAHN and THE UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY). Contrary to popular belief, however, "Revenge is a dish best served cold" is not an old Klingon proverb. :-)
Nor is it, in fact, a quote from William Shakespeare. It's actually from the 1782 French novel LES LIAISONS DANGEREUSES by Pierre Ambroise Francois Choderios de LaClos. The original quote is: "La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid." The novel has been filmed four times:
- in 1989 by Roger Vadim as LES LIAISONS DANGEREUSES
- in 1988 by Stephen Frears as DANGEROUS LIAISONS (actually a film version of a play by Christopher Hampton, adapted from the novel)
- in 1989 by Milos Forman as VALMONT
- in 1999 by Roger Kumble as CRUEL INTENTIONS
John and Aeryn's gun battle is reminiscent of the type of gunplay choreography that occurs in Hong Kong action films, particular those of John Woo.
John: "Try it, Medusa, try it. Down boy...roll over."
The first comment is a reference to the mythological character Medusa, whose face could turn men to stone; in place of hair, she had a mass of writhing snakes, to which John might be comparing D'Argo's tentas.
The second comment is a pair of commands frequently given to dogs, to demonstrate their level of training and obedience.
John: "My little black book...is all full."
A "black book" is technically defined as a book containing the names of people or organizations to blacklist, or a list of people who are out of favor. Modern social connotation, however, has given "little black book" an alternate meaning: a collection of contact information for romantic or sexual partners.
John: "Oh, no one's goin' anywhere. Not even to Disneyland. Not before we all have the breakfast of...losers. Oh, look, everybody, Sunshine's awake. Reynaldo! [kicks D'Argo] Even on a flesh wound!"
Disneyland: The Magic Kingdom. The sun, to which all other theme parks are but shadows. A popular TV marketing campaign of Disneyland/Disneyworld, that ran in the late '80s or early '90s, featured top athletes being asked by a "reporter" what they were going to do now that they had won the Super Bowl/World Series/Olympic gold medal, etc. ("Katarina Witt, you just won a gold medal! What are you going to do next?!", and they would reply enthusiastically, "I'm going to Disneyland!") This slogan, "I'm going to Disneyland," is now commonly used as a flippant response to someone asking what one is going to do next.
"Breakfast of losers" is a swipe at the slogan for the cereal Wheaties, which advertised itself as "the breakfast of champions".
The meaning of the remainder of Crichton's comments is unclear. Mark Morrison suggests that John actually says "Ronaldo", in reference to an astonishingly gifted Brazilian soccer player (hence the kick to D'Argo's knee), currently playing in Italy; this would not be recognizable to most Americans, however.
John: "Have I got your attention now? Good. So, class, today's assignment is...anyone? anyone? anyone? anyone? A brand new car! No, it's...T'raltixx..."
The first part is possibly a reference to the 1986 film FERRIS BUELLER'S DAY OFF, the relevant quote being the one by the Economics teacher.
The way that Crichton says "A brand new car!" is imitative of the announcers on game shows describing the grand prize.
John: "Now, I've been acting twisted as well. Still am. Been seeing Scorpius like he's guest-starring on HAWAII FIVE-O..."
HAWAII FIVE-O is the long-running (12 years) TV crime drama starring Jack Lord as Police Detective Steve McGarrett. It's the source of the common quote "Book 'em, Danno", said by McGarrett to his partner, Detective Danny Williams (James McArthur). The Main Title Theme by Morton Stevens is one of the best known themes in TV history. It was recently used, to hilarious effect, in the Aussie film, THE DISH.
John: "Look at you two bozos."
Contrary to popular belief, the word "bozo" (meaning a foolish person) does not derive from the character Bozo the Clown, as the word predates the character by several decades. Bozo the Clown was the host of a syndicated children's program produced by individual TV stations across the country, with different people playing Bozo in different markets. Perhaps the most well known Bozo was Willard Scott, who played Bozo in the Washington, DC area circa 1960, and later came to prominence as the weatherman on NBC's THE TODAY SHOW during the 80s and early 90s.
John: [hums "The Ride of the Valkyries"]
Aeryn: "We are going to die."
"The Ride of the Valkyries" is a well-known tune from the German opera DER RING DES NIBELUNGEN by Richard Wagner. It's most recognizable to many people from its use in Francis Ford Coppola's film APOCALYPSE NOW.
Aeryn's comment (ad libbed by Claudia Black during filming) is reminiscent of a scene in ANIMAL HOUSE in which several of the frat boys take dates to an all-black roadhouse. After coming in the door, and seeing that they are the only Whites in the place, one of them says in a calm, matter-of-fact manner, "We are going to die."
The comment is also similar to that from Indiana Jones to Willie Scott in INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM (1984), when he and Short Round are trapped in the shrinking room.
John: "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall...And all the king's horses and all the king's men..."
A rhyme found in Lewis Carroll's ALICE IN WONDERLAND sequel, THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS. The full rhyme goes:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty in his place again.
In a deleted scene found on the R2 (British) DVD, Scorpius (and later John) sings "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall".
"99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall" is a common tune usually sung by masochists and/or people who are bored to death or want to be annoying. It goes:
99 bottles of beer on the wall.
99 bottles of beer.
You take one down and pass it around.
98 bottles of beer on the wall.
And then the same verse gets repeated, with the number of bottles being reduced by one with each round.
Scorpius: "All work and no play makes John a dull boy."
An old adage (but substituting "Jack" for "John").

Picture If You Will
The title is likely a nod to Rod Serling. Whether or not he ever actually used the phrase on a frequent basis, it has come to be popularly associated with him and two of his anthology television series: THE TWILIGHT ZONE (1959-65), and NIGHT GALLERY (1969-70). The IMDb describes the former as "A collection of tales which range from comic to tragic, but often have a wicked sense of humor and an unexpected twist." Hmmm...what other television show do we know like that? ;-)
John: "C'mon...Zhaan...this magical mystery crap is your specialty, not mine. Just tell me what to do, and I'll do it."
An allusion to the Beatles' 1967 album, song, and movie, MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR.
John: "Maldis! Come on down!"
John says this in a manner that recalls the long-running American game show The Price is Right, where selected members of the audience are invited to "Come on down!" and play the game. This signature phrase, made famous by the original announcer for the show, Johnny Olson, has endured for thirty years.
John: "Haven't you read the supervillain's handbook? This is where you're supposed to twirl your moustache and gloat."
A mixed reference to the villains in numerous movies. Often in the silent films, the villain would sport a handlebar moustache that he would occasionally twirl. And both older and more recent villains (in comic books, as well as in movies) would often gloat over the captured hero, revealing the details of their plans.
Maldis: "Have you forgotten? Fear makes me stronger. Fear, and the terror of helplessness. These are a few of my favorite things."
John: "Oh. Could you do that farewell/goodbye song the kids sing? It's one of my favorites."
Maldis: "I don't do requests!"
This refers to two songs from the Rodgers & Hammerstein musical -- and 1965 Robert Wise film -- THE SOUND OF MUSIC: "My Favorite Things" and "So Long, Farewell".
John: "Zhaan...this would've been a really good opportunity to lie to me. You know... 'Sure, John, he's toast. Strike him off your Christmas list. Stick a fork in him, he's done. He's over. The fat lady is singing.' It does not have to be true, Zhaan...but I certainly would have slept better."
The expression "the fat lady is singing" derives from the stereotypical opera finale, in which the leading lady (stereotypically corpulent) blasts out a last aria. When the fat lady sings, you know they're near the end.

The Way We Weren't
The title is probably a play on the title of the Barbara Streisand/Robert Redford film, THE WAY WE WERE.
John: "We all have things in our past that we'd rather not have on instant replay."
"Instant replay" refers to the use of video cameras during sporting events to capture the details of a play, such as a touchdown, so that it could be played back immediately for the benefit of a TV audience who want to see it in close-up or from different angles.
John: "Pilot, we have to talk. Let's hash this out, right here, right now. Five cents, the Doctor is IN."
In the popular comic strip "Peanuts", the character Lucy occasionally put up a "The Doctor is IN" sign at her "Psychiatric Help 5¢" booth, and dispensed questionable answers to all of life's (or at least, Charlie Brown's) questions.
John: "Kids -- save it for after school. Right now, how do we fix this thing so we stop bobbing about like three men in a tub?"
From a Mother Goose nursery rhyme:
Three men in a tub,
And how do you think they got there?
The butcher, the baker, the candlestick-maker --
They all jumped out of a rotten potato!
'Twas enough to make a fish stare.
John: "Yeah, well I don't think Pilot's in a 'Leviathan for Dummies' kinda mood right now."
Refers to the popular series of helpful guides on numerous subjects.
John: "Aeryn...no-no-no-no. Pilot's Etch-a-Sketch isn't operating with all its knobs right now."
A popular toy used to create pictures by turning knobs, which cause lines to appear on the screen. Since the official site isn't intuitively easy to navigate, http://www.etch-a-sketch.com/html/history.htm is a specific page that describes the history of the Etch-a-Sketch and a not-very-detailed description of how it works.

Home On The Remains
The title comes from "Home on the Range", the Official State Song of Kansas and a popular folksong known by most children in America.
Aeryn: "I'll pass."
John: "Suit yourself, Jenny Craig, but I'm hungry."
Aeryn's preference to go hungry rather than eat a dentic reminds John of the queen of weight-loss programs, Jenny Craig.
John: "Aeryn, we are out of supplies. We're gonna become the Donner Party of the Uncharted Territories if we don't get some food soon."
The Donner Party (see also http://members.aol.com/DanMRosen/donner/index.htm) was a wagon train travelling from Illinois to California in 1846-1847. Several tragic incidents depleted their numbers, and finally, passing through the Sierra Nevada Mountains, the party was trapped by a blizzard, and many resorted to cannibalism to survive.
Rygel: "What the dren are we waiting for?"
Chiana: "Me."
Rygel: "Yotz."
John: "Shazam!
D'Argo: "That's nice."
John's expression was a favorite of Gomer Pyle, native of Mayberry, North Carolina on THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW, and played by Jim Nabors. Gomer later joined the Marines, and got his own spin-off series, GOMER PYLE, USMC.
Gomer probably got the expression from the comic book adventures of Captain Marvel, which began in 1940 in WHIZ COMICS #2. Newspaper boy Billy Batson encountered the ancient wizard Shazam, who invested Billy with Solomon's wisdom, Hercules's strength, Atlas's stamina, Zeus's power, Achilles's courage, and Mercury's speed, as Captain Marvel, whenever Billy said "Shazam!" (saying it again as Captain Marvel would change him back to Billy).
Rygel: "What are those men doing?"
B'Sogg: "Deemo. Do you play?"
Rygel: "I'm about to."
John: "We're here for Zhaan, Maverick, not games."
John's referring to the gambling brother heroes of the classic 1950s Western TV series, MAVERICK (see also http://home.talkcity.com/chaplinct/mavericktv/gotopage.html or the IMDb), specifically the irrepressible lead character, Bret Maverick, played by James Garner. Jack Kelly played Bret's brother Bart. In later years, future James Bond Roger Moore played British cousin Beau, and for a measly two episodes, Robert Colbert played another brother, Brent. The series took a downturn when Garner left it after the third season.
The first attempt at a revival was the 1978 TV movie, THE NEW MAVERICK, which reunited Garner and Kelly, and introduced cousin Beau's son, Ben Maverick (Charles Frank), who became the lead in a series YOUNG MAVERICK the next year.
A couple of years after that, Garner returned to play the lead in another short-lived revival, BRET MAVERICK. Last, but not least, was a 1994 theatrical film, MAVERICK, starring Mel Gibson, and directed by his LETHAL WEAPON director, Robert Donner.
John: "Hey, Blue. Delivery. It's not exactly Domino's, but it got here in less than 30 minutes."
Domino's is a world-wide chain of pizza shops whose ads at one time guaranteed delivery to your door within 30 minutes.
John: "No more Captain Kirk chit-chat."
Captain of the Enterprise from STAR TREK, of course.

Out Of Their Minds
[The characters are listed below with the first name designating the mind, and the second name designating the body.]
John/Aeryn: "Oh, that's great. It's the Three freakin' Stooges! I'm hitting myself."
Another reference to John's favorite comedy team, the Three Stooges.
Rygel/John: "Are these really necessary? Can't you remember who we are?"
John/Aeryn: "No, I can't, Einstein. If these guys attack again, I gotta know who I'm talking to."
Famed mathematician Albert Einstein has long been thought of as one of the world's greatest geniuses; his name is sometimes used to refer to someone who displays genius, but more often used ironically to refer to someone who displays stupidity.
John/Aeryn: "Show us."
Rygel/John: "What?"
John/Aeryn: "Show me the pavement pizza."
Rygel/John: "You want to see vomit, Crichton? Nobody wants to see vomit."
To Americans ears this is an odd use of the colloquialism; in the U.S., "pavement pizza" is typically used to describe the remains of animals on the road who've been run over, and sometimes, macabrely, the remains of someone who's leaped or fallen from an upper floor or roof of a tall building. However, in the U.K., the phrase is quite commonly used to refer to vomit on the pavement, usually deposited on a Saturday night after the pubs have shut.
John/Rygel: "All right, let's try this: we power the screen to 62%, get in the same position we were in the first time the beam hit. Then we moon the Halosians and hope they'll shoot us again."
Mooning is the practice of pulling down your pants, and flashing your backside at someone as a sign of contempt.

A Kiss Is But A Kiss (Look At The Princess 1)
The title comes from the song made popular by the film CASABLANCA (see also http://www.cyberblanca.com/sams.html), "As Time Goes By", as performed by Dooley Wilson:
You must remember this,
A kiss is just a kiss,
A sigh is just a sigh.
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by.
It's the "it" of the well-known misquote, "Play it again, Sam".
John: "I am the reverse King Arthur. I'm the one who can put the sword into the stone."
A reference to the story of how the boy Arthur became King of England, by drawing the sword Excalibur from the stone in which it was embedded (in some versions of the legend, Excalibur was a different sword than the one in the stone).
Although it dates back to Geoffrey of Monmouth's HISTORIA REGUM BRITANNIAE, this particular element of the Arthurian legend is best known from T.H. White's novel THE SWORD IN THE STONE, part of his tetralogy THE ONCE AND FUTURE KING.
John: "Better wed than dead."
A play on the phrase "better dead than Red", popular during the Cold War, especially the anti-Communist hysteria of the 1950s.
John: "Well, on Earth we have this queen. She...ah... she's got this wave. I'll do that."
He's referring to Queen Elizabeth II, whose wave is often satirized. As one usenet poster wrote, "She has a knack of waving with her forearm, so her hand and the rest of her body don't have to move. She just flexes her elbow, and that's the wave. I guess it's more energy efficient than shaking your whole arm the way the rest of us do."
John: "Eighty cycles. My college loans will be delinquent. I'll miss the strippers on my hundredth birthday. I'll get a utility bill for three trillion dollars for a single porch light that I left on. And everybody I know will be dead. [...] When I get back...everyone...my dad, D.K., my sisters, Cameron Diaz, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, will be dead."
Cameron Diaz is, of course, the well-known actress. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is, equally of course, the undead-ass-kicker from the show of the same name.
John: "Welcome to Barbie World."
Another reference (see "The Hidden Memory") to the famous doll.

The Maltese Crichton (Look At The Princess 3)
The title is a reference to the 1941 John Huston film noir, THE MALTESE FALCON, in which private detective Sam Spade (Humphrey Bogart) gets involved in a hunt for a valuable statuette. The film was based on a novel by pulp writer Dashiell Hammett, and was actually the third filmed version of Hammett's book (so much for remakes being inferior), the previous two being THE MALTESE FALCON (1931) and 1936's SATAN MET A LADY.
John: "How Batman was that!?"
D'Argo's leap to catch the falling Chiana before she hit the pool of acid obviously reminded John of the way the comic book hero Batman would swing by to catch people falling from Gotham City rooftops.

My Three Crichtons
The title is a reference to the long-running sitcom MY THREE SONS, about widower Steve Douglas (Fred MacMurray) and his boys.
Chiana: "What happened to you?"
John: "Ah, that's the $64,000 question."
A reference to the famous 1950s quiz show THE $64,000 QUESTION.
John: "Chiana, I'm sick of it. It's bad enough being spat out of some green blob, now I got Quasimodo here saying he's me."
Quasimodo is the deformed bellringer from Victor Hugo's famous 1831 novel, NOTRE-DAME DE PARIS, a.k.a. THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME.
John: "I'm in Bill & Ted land here, so I'm open to suggestion."
He's referring to the movie BILL AND TED'S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE and its sequel BILL AND TED'S BOGUS JOURNEY.
John: "Good. Now let's see if we can get a message to these body snatchers."
John is likely referring to the 1956 film INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS or one of its two remakes, the 1978 version of the same title and the 1993 BODY SNATCHERS, all based on a novel, THE BODY SNATCHERS, by Jack Finney. The story concerns alien pods that duplicate human beings in order to replace them. John makes another reference to the same book/film(s) in the very next episode, "Beware of Dog".

Beware of Dog
John: [singing] "He's a Cinderella Boy... [whispering] Oh, my, Bob...this is a...this is a big chance for the kid from the Uncharted Territories...he's about two feet off the green, here on the eighteenth, two strokes off the lead...question is...will he chip or will he use the putter?"
This is a reference to a bit of dialogue by Carl Spackler (Bill Murray) in the film CADDYSHACK:
"He's a Cinderella boy. Tears in his eyes, I guess, as he... as he lines up this last shot. He's got about a hundred ninety-five yards left, and he's got a...looks like he's got about an eight-iron. This crowd has gone deadly silent. Cinderella story... outta nowhere, a former greenskeeper now about to become the Masters champion."
John: "Hey, maybe that's what I saw -- a Vorc."
Aeryn: "It's about this size, naked, with a face like this."
John: "No, it was more like Tandoori Chicken."
Tandoori Chicken is a popular baked chicken dish from India.
John: "Dammit, Chiana! I don't trust Aeryn to wing that thing, and she's a good shot. We have to get it into a confined space where the gas grenade can do some good."
Chiana: "What did you expect me to use, harsh language?"
A reference to a bit of dialogue in James Cameron's 1986 film ALIENS":
Gorman: "Look...ah...Apone. Look. We can't have any firing in there. I...ah...I want you to collect magazines from everybody."
Hudson: "Is he fuckin' crazy?"
Frost: "What the hell are we supposed to use, man, harsh language?"
John: "Pilot, open sesame."
The magic phrase that opens the cave containing a treasure trove, in the story of "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" from the collection of tales told by Sheherezade, most often called THE THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS or ARABIAN NIGHTS' ENTERTAINMENT.
John: "All right, riddle me this. Because we think we may have parasites on board, we get a Vorc, because someone tells us that Vorcs kill parasites. And all of a sudden, this other critter shows up -- this Ewok gone bad -- bites D'Argo, poisons him. Yeah? So we capture the parasite. And... surprise...the parasite and the Vorc are the same thing, but neither one of them is poisonous. So, for $10,000 and the Caribbean cruise...what poisoned D'Argo?"
"Riddle me this" was a catchphrase used by Batman's archvillain The Riddler.
Ewoks are the nauseatingly cute critters from the Star Wars movie RETURN OF THE JEDI, who got their own made-for-TV spin-off movies (THE EWOK ADVENTURE and EWOKS: THE BATTLE FOR ENDOR), as well as a Saturday morning cartoon show.
"So, for $10,000 and the Caribbean cruise" recalls the motivations given on game shows for the contestant to give the right answer.
John: "No, Aeryn, this is a good idea. Why don't we see if we can get the Incredible Vorc here to understand us?"
A reference to the Marvel comic book character Dr. Bruce Banner, who after exposure to intense gamma radiation, would change -- usually at the most inconvenient times -- into The Incredible Hulk. Just as the Vorc had a mild-mannered form which would turn into a fiercer form for attack.
John: "Look, Lassie here is trying to communicate with us."
Lassie is the beloved canine character created by Eric Knight for a short story "Lassie Come Home", published in THE SATURDAY EVENING POST in 1938, and expanded into a novel two years later. Several movies, a radio show, and a couple of TV series followed.
John: "Holy body snatchers. Start talking."
Another reference (see "My Three Crichtons") to the pods that replicated human beings in INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS.
Chiana: "What the frell is that?"
John & Aeryn [in unison]: "Sorry about the mess."
Another reference (see "PK Tech Girl") to Han Solo's line in STAR WARS as he leaves the cantina after shooting Greedo.

Won't Get Fooled Again
Australia is commonly referred to by its nickname, "Oz" -- which lends additional humorous significance to the Oz references throughout this episode.
Jack: Hey, how you feelin'?
John: Hot...dizzy...kinda feel like I've been hit by a house.
The first of six references in this episode to the 1939 film THE WIZARD OF OZ, in which Dorothy Gale's arrival in Oz is marked by her house falling on the Wicked Witch.
John [whistles, then says]: "Won't get fooled again."
This is from the song "Won't Get Fooled Again" (lyrics, mp3 clip) by The Who, from their album WHO'S NEXT:
"I'll tip my hat to the new constitution,
Take a bow for the new revolution.
Smile and grin at the change all around.
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday.
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again."
John: "The Ancients? Nah, they picked my brain already. Maldis? Uh uh. Not his style. Not Gothic enough. Delvians. Mmm...yeah, Occam's Razor. Tahleen and her wacky bunch. Come out, come out, wherever you are, and see the young man who fell from the star."
The last sentence above is the second of the Oz references in this episode. It's the beginning of a song by Glinda, the Good Witch of the North, to introduce the Munchkins to Dorothy:
Come out, come out, wherever you are
And meet the young lady who fell from a star.
She fell from the sky, she fell very far,
And Kansas, she says, is the name of the star.
Occam's Razor is a principle of logic by which the most likely answer is the one with the fewest assumptions.
John: "Dig your style, Ringo."
Scorpy-chip: "John, we haven't got much time."
John is confusing the Scorpy-chip with the faux Scorpius character in the virtual scenario. Since the latter plays a drummer in the lounge band, John is referring to him by the name of the drummer in The Beatles, Ringo Starr.
John: "Scorpy. You don't fit the pattern. You got no Halloween costume, got no assumed name, you're not playing a role. That suggests something to me...suggests that you are the man behind the curtain!"
Oz reference #3 herein. When Dorothy and her companions spot the real Wizard controlling the phony "Great and Powerful Oz" from a curtained booth, the phony Oz thunders: "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain."
John: "Look, somebody is gaslighting me."
A reference George Cukor's 1944 film GASLIGHT -- itself a remake of a 1940 British film, both based upon ANGEL STREET, a play by Patrick Hamilton. The 1944 version, starring Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman, is the best known. In it, Boyer plots to drive his wife Bergman insane.
The above-linked web site says: "Its title is derived from two items: the frequent dimming and flickering of the gaslights, and the phrase 'to gaslight' someone." The first is true, but the second is not. The term "to gaslight" comes from the film (or play), not the other way around.
John: "Ho, hey, fellas. Meet the new boss. Not the same as the old boss."
A slight twist on the last line of the Who song "Won't Get Fooled Again", which goes: "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."
John: "So that's the play? The play. The play, the play is the thing."
From Shakespeare's HAMLET, PRINCE OF DENMARK, Act II, Scene 2:
"[...] I'll have these players
Play something like the murder of my father
Before mine uncle: I'll observe his looks;
I'll tent him to the quick: if he but blench,
I know my course. The spirit that I have seen
May be the devil: and the devil hath power
To assume a pleasing shape; yea, and perhaps
Out of my weakness and my melancholy,
As he is very potent with such spirits,
Abuses me to damn me: I'll have grounds
More relative than this: the play's the thing
Wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king."
John: "I reenact my initial mission. I show you how I create the giant blue twister that sucks me down to Oz."
John's description of the wormhole is Oz reference #4, this time to the fact that Dorothy was brought from Kansas to Oz via tornado.
When John enters D. Logan's office for the second time, one of the pictures he looks at depicts Gary Ragle riding astride the space shuttle. This is possibly a nod to the 1964 film DR. STRANGELOVE OR: HOW I LEARNED TO STOP WORRYING AND LOVE THE BOMB, in which a character rides a missile to its destination.
Officer Crais [holding a dog]: "I like your style hombre, but this is no laughing matter. Assault on a police officer. Theft of police property. Illegal possession of a firearm. Five counts of attempted murder. That comes to...$29.40. Cash, check, or credit card?" [hands John a citation, then speaks to dog] "Toto."
Oz reference #5. Toto, of course, being Dorothy's dog.
John: "You're Harvey. Or is it Clarence? Guardian Angel? Invisible rabbit? Harvey? Harvey. Does the Scarran know you're here?"
"Harvey" is the six-foot invisible rabbit companion of Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the 1950 film HARVEY. "Clarence" is Clarence Oddbody (Henry Travers), guardian angel to George Bailey (Stewart, again) in Frank Capra's 1946 film IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE.
Officer Crais: "Freeze! You're under arrest. You have the right to the remains of a silent attorney. If you cannot afford one...tough noogies. You can make one phone call. I recommend Trixie: 976-Triple 5-LOVE. Do you understand these rights as I have explained them to you? Well, do you, punk?!"
Crais initially gives Crichton a rather twisted version of the Miranda Rights; the actual rights, which must be read to any individual being placed under arrest in the United States, are:
- You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. Do you understand?
- Anything you do say may be used against you in a court of law. Do you understand?
- You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future. Do you understand?
- If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish. Do you understand?
- If you decide to answer questions now without an attorney present you will still have the right to stop answering at any time until you talk to an attorney. Do you understand?
- Knowing and understanding your rights as I have explained them to you, are you willing to answer my questions without an attorney present?
Next is a pair of telephone references. The "976" area code is used in the United States by various companies offering phone sex, 'psychic' readings, or other services for which callers pay by the minute. And, television and film productions in the U.S. typically use the "555" exchange in order to avoid sparking a flurry of calls to unsuspecting individuals who happen to have the same number as that mentioned in a teleplay; that exchange is not used for subscribing customers, but rather for phone companies' internal communications.
The last sentence in the above quote is from a speech in the 1971 film DIRTY HARRY. Detective Harry Callahan (Clint Eastwood) holds a felon at gunpoint and says:
"I know what you're thinking. Did he fire six shots or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?"
Finally, during this sequence, "Officer Crais" is wearing red pumps, as Oz reference #6 ("ruby slippers").
Leslie Crichton [dressed in negligee and acting seductive]: "Such a fascinating library you have. Such wonderful, informative books. THE OEDIPUS COMPLEX? I'm not sure...I...grasp that concept. Could you, ah...explain it to me, Johnny?"
Sigmund Freud devised the concept of the Oedipus Complex to explain how certain neuroses were the result of unresolved sexual feelings of a child toward the parent of the opposite sex.
It's named after the title character in the play OEDIPUS REX (synopsis, entire play) who, unknowingly, marries his mother Jocasta after killing his father.

The Locket
As he follows Aeryn through the grove, John sings a traditional sea shanty known as "The Maid of Amsterdam".
Aeryn: "Do you regret this?"
John: "What?"
Aeryn: "Spending the last 55 cycles here with me?"
John: "Aeryn. You are the one thing which has kept me from doing a kamikaze in the transport."
"Kamikaze" is the Japanese word meaning "divine wind", and was the name given to a typhoon that destroyed Kublai Khan's naval fleet as it tried to invade Japan in 1281 AD. It came to be used during World War II as a term for Japanese pilots who would make suicidal attacks against enemy ships by crashing their planes, loaded with explosives, into them. More colloquially, as in the above quote by Crichton, it refers to a person making a suicide attempt by crashing a plane or other vehicle, or to the attempt itself.

The Ugly Truth
The narrative structure of the episode is taken from that of Akira Kurosawa's famous 1950 film RASHOMON, based on two stories by Ryunosuke Akutagawa: "Rashomon" and "Yabu no naka" [In a Grove]. Four witnesses to a rape and murder (including the ghost of the victim!) tell four very different accounts of the incident.
John: "Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye."
A common children's oath to indicate that the truth is being told. Of unknown origin.

A Clockwork Nebari
The title is a variation of A CLOCKWORK ORANGE, Stanley Kubrick's brilliant 1971 film, based on the novel by Anthony Burgess. One of the common story elements to both the film/novel and this episode is the use of drug therapy to control violent, antisocial behavior, and the elimination of free will in the process. Another is visual: the scene of John strapped into a harness and having his eyeballs pulled from their sockets recalls scenes from Kubrick's film in which Alex (Malcolm McDowell) is strapped into a chair and his eyes held open by clips while he's being programmed against violence.
John: "Pilot, I'm bringin' Miss Kitty back from the O.K. Corral. Any word on Aeryn or Doc Rygel yet?"
Mixed allusions here. Miss Kitty [Russell] is the character played by Amanda Blake on the long-running (20+ years and 600+ episodes) TV Western series, GUNSMOKE. It's perhaps a fitting metaphor for Chiana, as Miss Kitty was the local "madam" in the show (though the series was never explicit about that).
The O.K. Corral, however, has no direct connection to GUNSMOKE. It's the site of the famous showdown between the Earps and the Clantons, and is located in Tombstone, Arizona (GUNSMOKE was set in Dodge City, Kansas). It's been the subject of many a film, from the classics MY DARLING CLEMENTINE and THE GUNFIGHT AT THE O.K. CORRAL to the more recent TOMBSTONE and WYATT EARP.
(An indirect connection between the two is that the real-life Wyatt Earp was a marshal in Dodge City prior to moving to Tombstone.)
"Doc Rygel" might be a reference to either source. It could refer to Doc Adams, the GUNSMOKE character played by Milburn Stone, or to Doc Holliday, friend of Wyatt Earp.
Chiana: "You're just cranked 'cause Wynonna jammed."
John: "Hey. Wynonna has been very reliable. It's not her fault that she jammed."
Here's the first reference to John having named his pulse pistol "Wynonna". No one is sure what the name alludes to (accounts have it that Ben Browder came up with the name), but one possibility is a 5-issue comic book series titled WYNONNA EARP, published from December 1996 through April 1997 by Homage Comics. The title character is a kick-ass U.S. Marshal who fights various supernatural creatures in present-day New Mexico. It's obscure enough that I doubt it's the actual source, but the Wyatt Earp connection, especially in light of the earlier quote by John, makes it worth mentioning.
Chiana: "I'm their prize."
John: "Aw, hell, you must be the top of the $100,000 Pyramid if they're gonna mind-cleanse Aeryn and Rygel just to get on board."
THE $100,000 PYRAMID is another well-known game show (see "DNA Mad Scientist" and "Picture If You Will" for previous game show references). It started life in 1973 as THE $10,000 PYRAMID, then "grew" to 20, 25, and $50,000 before finally hitting $100,000.
John: "Chiana, let me ask you a question. When you first came on board...Elvis had you in cuffs dragging you back to Nebari Prime. Now we got Deborah Harry doing the same thing. Why are your people so jazzed about gettin' you home?"
As annotated already for "Durka Returns", John seems to think there's a resemblance between the Nebari Salis and Elvis Presley. Likewise, here he's making a comparison between Varla and Deborah Harry, the singer from the rock band Blondie.
John: "Chiana, when these people came on board, they were after you. That makes you the 'it' girl. You got something they want. What is it?"
The original "It" Girl was the silent screen star Clara Bow, so designated after appearing in her most famous film, the 1927 production IT, based on a book by Elinor Glyn. The film's opening credits contain a title card which quotes Glyn's definition of the term:
"'It' is that quality possessed by some which draws all others with it's magnetic force. With 'It' you can draw all men, if you are a woman, and all women, if you are a man. 'It' can be a quality of the mind, as well as a physical attraction."
Although this description could certainly be applied to Chiana, it's possible that John is also playing on the phrase from the children's game, "Tag! You're it!"
Varla: "It is either mind-cleansing or death."
John: "Hey, isn't that against your Nebari Prime Directive?"
An allusion to the United Federation of Planets' "Prime Directive". In the Star Trek universe, it's their foremost law, one which forbids interference in more primitive cultures, though here John simply means "the most important law".
John: "I don't know. They gave me the Full Monty, and it was working, and then I got this...this...this...this...flash! And...it was like it was soakin' up the drug. I snapped out of it."
Most people are familiar with the term "the Full Monty" (meaning the whole deal) from the 1997 movie of that title, though the phrase pre-dates it. The Phrase Finder says of "the Full Monty": "Although the phrase has been in circulation prior to the film there don't appear to be any instances of it appearing in print before 1986."
The origin of the phrase "full monty" has sparked some dispute. One common explanation is that it derives from General (later Field Marshal Viscount) Montgomery of El Alamein, commonly known as Monty; he preferred to start the day with a full English breakfast, hence the "Full Monty". Anecdotal evidence supports its use in this context dating back at least four decades. Other suggestions include references to Monte Carlo, and the Montague Burton suit. More recent usage, particularly the movie it titled, links it to total nudity and strip-tease.
Varla: "Will that affect the safety and speed of this ship?"
John: "Shyeah! Hey, totally screw the pooch, babe."
Varla: "Very well, proceed. Thank you for your service." [exits]
John: "Cool. It's for the greater good. She's gonna getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha."
John's continuing the Deborah Harry connection by quoting the beginning of one of Blondie's songs, "One Way or Another", from the album PARALLEL LINES:
One way or another, I'm gonna find ya
I'm gonna getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha
One way or another, I'm gonna win ya
I'm gonna getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha
"Screw the pooch" is a phrase used by test pilots to refer to accidents which result in destruction of the aircraft, and/or death of the pilot. It's use came into popularity with the publication of Tom Wolfe's THE RIGHT STUFF.
Crichton exits this scene uttering the "woo woo woo woo" shtick of Curly of The Three Stooges.
John: "Oh...munchies. Good idea, man. Don't eat so much, though. You'll Belushi-out, cat."
A reference to the late comedian John Belushi who was often made fun of after a sudden weight gain.
John: "No..no...no..no... D'Argo, he's, uh, he's not well, so we, ah, told him that, ah, we could do it. Hey, it's no problem. No problem at all. C'mon, Little Buddy. Up you go, Little Buddy. Oh, yeah, hey, we're gonna do our service for the greater good."
"Little Buddy" is possibly a reference (see "Crackers Don't Matter") to the sitcom GILLIGAN'S ISLAND, in which Gilligan would often be called "Little Buddy" by the Skipper.
John: "It's gonna be more real than real. It's gonna be super 3-D Smell-o-vision in Sensurround, but you have to do your part [...] Ultra-Omnivision, man. Whoa!"
All (well, the real ones, anyway) film gimmicks:
- 3-D was developed in the early 50s, using special polarized glasses to create a three dimensional effect. The first film to use 3-D was the 1952 film BWANA DEVIL.
- According to the Incredibly Strange Film Book by Johnathan Ross, Smell-o-vision "used pipes on the seats to waft 30+ smells contained in vials on a rotating drum, triggered by a 'Smell track' on the film." THE SCENT OF MYSTERY (1960), which employed smells as clues to the mystery, is the only film it was ever used with.
There were other attempts to add smells to films. The 1958 documentary LA MURAGLIA CINESE ("BEHIND THE GREAT WALL") added smells after the film was completed, in a process called AromaRama. Its advertising tagline was, "You must breathe it to believe it!"
Another process called Odorama was developed by John Waters for his 1981 film POLYESTER (the ad slogan was "Smelling is believing") for which scratch & sniff cards were handed out at the theater. When a specific number appeared on the screen, one was to scratch that numbered square on the card, and sniff.
According to Bill Bryson's Made in America, "the problem [with smell track films] was that the odors tended to linger and mingle in a perplexing manner, and the members of the audience situated nearest to the smell dispensers weren't particularly gratified to find themselves periodically refreshed with a moist outpouring of assorted scents."
- Sensurround was a process that used large subwoofers to emit very low frequency sounds, causing the theater to vibrate. It was used on only four films in the 1970s, all from Universal: EARTHQUAKE, MIDWAY, ROLLERCOASTER, and the theatrical release of the pilot for BATTLESTAR GALACTICA.
- Ultra-Omnivision isn't a real process, but it seems to be a conflation of Ultra-Panavision, a 70mm anamorphic filming process used during the 1960s, and Omnimax.

A Not So Simple Plan (Liars, Guns and Money 1)
The title is a play on a song by Warren Zevon from his 1978 album EXCITABLE BOY, titled "Lawyers, Guns and Money". Apparently, the phrase has since been co-opted by Second Amendment (the right to bear arms) groups.
"A Not So Simple Plan" is most likely a twist on the title of Sam Raimi's 1998 film A SIMPLE PLAN, based on the book of the same name by Scott Smith.
John: "Hang on, before we hear about any plan, inquiring minds want to know how the hell did you get here?"
THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER, the infamous tabloid newspaper, made famous the phrase "enquiring minds want to know" as part of their advertisement spiel.
John: "This is a depository, right? We have something to deposit."
Akkor: "What makes you think we'd be interested?"
John: "You ever hear of KFC?"
Akkor: "KFC?"
John: "It is, to my knowledge, unique in the universe, and unique is always valuable. Now, we have managed to procure all eleven secret ingredients. What we need to do now is discuss the terms of--"
John's referring, of course, to Kentucky Fried Chicken. The "secret sauces" created by founder Colonel Harland Sanders were always said to be what made the franchise so popular in the early days.
John: "Freakin' Attila the Hun."
Attila the Hun is the prototypical barbarian leader.
John: "Bonnie and Clyde...oh, no, forget about that one, it was a bad ending."
John's alluding to the end of the notable 1967 gangster film BONNIE AND CLYDE, in which real-life criminals Bonnie Parker (Faye Dunaway) and Clyde Barrow (Warren Beatty) meet an unfortunate end.
John: "Hey, Stark, riddle me this..."
John's second reference (see "Beware of Dog") to the famous catchphrase of Batman's nemesis The Riddler.
Aeryn: "What are you doing?"
John: "Doing what guys do best. I'm looking for Baywatch. Better yet, the Discovery Channel."
Guys, of course, watch BAYWATCH for the busty babes in swimsuits -- at least, that's the theory. At the other end of the spectrum -- the Sublime to BAYWATCH's Ridiculous -- is The Discovery Channel, which offers intelligent, educational programming.
On the other hand, a few folks felt that John referred to the latter programming because it occasionally shows "those tribal documentaries, the ones where the natives run around butt [sic] naked". Others wondered if it were a reference to the Bloodhound Gang song "The Bad Touch", the refrain of which consists in part of:
You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals
So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel
John: "Go on, die, you grotesque bastard! Even if it means I die, too."
Scorpius: "Neither one of us...can die..."
John: "Ohhh, say can you see..."
Scorpius: "I command you...to help me!"
John: "By the dawn's early light..."
Scorpius: "John Crichton! I command you to help me!"
John: "What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming. Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight..."
Here, to keep his mind from succumbing to Scorpy's programming, John sings "The Star-Spangled Banner" -- the American National Anthem written by Francis Scott Key during the War of 1812.

With Friends Like These (Liars, Guns and Money 2)
The subtitle comes from the commonly used phrase "With friends like these, who needs enemies?"
John: "Okay, Leatherface. Your turn."
Scorpius: "You never cease to amaze me, John."
John: "Man, that's TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE. That's a classic."
Leatherface is the infamous killer in Tobe Hooper's 1974 cult horror film, THE TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE.

Plan B (Liars, Guns and Money 3)
John: "All right, Fronkensteen, let's get it on. Get your property out of my head."
Frankenstein, contrary to popular belief, is not the monster in Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley's famous novel, but the "mad" scientist who creates the monster. Either of which could apply to Scorpius. However, John's pronunciation points to him referring to YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN, Mel Brooks's 1975 parody of James Whale 1931 film version of FRANKENSTEIN. In YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN, Dr. Frederick Frankenstein, in an attempt to disassociate himself from his "cuckoo" ancestor, insists that his name is pronounced "Fronkensteen".
Scorpius: "Try not to move so much. One flinch at the wrong time and this will...paralyze you."
John: "It's kinda hard not to flinch here, Scorpy, with Frau Blücher tickling my prostate."
Continuing with the YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN reference, Frau Blücher (*whinny*!) was the character portrayed by Cloris Leachman in that film. John refers to Natira as Frau Blücher (*whinny*!) again later in this episode, as well as in the third season episode "Suns and Lovers".
John: "You see, Flavius Scorpius here wants to visit foreign lands, meet foreign people, and conquer them."
John is apparently playing on the fact that "Scorpius" sounds like the name of a Roman emperor, such as Flavius Valerius Severus (306-307 AD) or Flavius Claudius Julianus 360-363 AD).
John: "Oh, dear dear dear, what has Moya done here? You are so screwed, Medusa! I tell you what...you get me out of here, I'll help you stay aliiive."
Another reference (see "Crackers Don't Matter") to the character of Greek Myth, the gorgon Medusa. Presumably, he's comparing Natira's "spider-limbs" to the snakes that Medusa had instead of hair.
John: "Daisy, daisy..."
D'Argo: "John..."
John: "...give me your answer do..."
D'Argo: "I've brought my son, Jothee, to thank you."
John: "...I'm...crazy...all for the love of you..."
D'Argo: "John..."
John is singing an old standard, "Daisy Bell", more commonly known as "A Bicycle Built for Two", written by Harry Dare in 1892. This may be a reference to 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY, as that's the song sung by HAL 9000 while being lobotomized by Bowman, and John may be drawing a parallel to his own mental breakdown.

I Do, I Think (Look At The Princess 2)
Jenavian: "Clavor, I'm trying to bathe."
John: "Oh, my. The future Ms. Valiant"
John is, by proxy, referring to Prince Clavor as "Prince Valiant", the Arthurian-era hero of the late Hal Foster's famous Sunday newspaper comic strip, which has run continuously from 1937 (carried on by John Cullen Murphy and his son Cullen Murphy when Foster retired in the 1970s).
John: "Do we know...this...?"
Katralla: "I've never seen anything like it before."
John: "Obi-Wan had one. Except his is a lot smaller"
He's likening the gas-spewing globe to the Jedi training globe that Obi-Wan uses to help instruct Luke Skywalker in the use of the lightsaber in STAR WARS.
John [pointing to various places where Braca can shoot him, including the crotch]: "Here. John Wayne Bobbit. Vienna Boys Choir."
John Wayne Bobbit gained some measure of notoriety (and became the target of many jokes) back in 1993 when his penis was surgically reattached after being cut off by his wife Lorena in revenge for his allegedly having raped her.
The Vienna Boys Choir reference is most likely alluding to the practice -- not done by anyone these days, let alone the VBC -- of castrating choir boys before puberty so that their voices remain high.
John: "Get back. Get back, or the white boy gets it. Oh, man, don't let 'em kill me! Don't let... You people are so dumb!"
A paraphrase of a scene from Mel Brooks's BLAZING SADDLES. New sheriff Black Bart (Cleavon Little) rides into town, and when he's met by the hostile, prejudiced townsfolk, he holds a gun up to his own head:
Bart [threatening voice]: "Hold it. The next man makes a move, the nigger gets it."
Citizen #1: "Hold it, men. He's not bluffing."
Citizen #2: "Listen to him, men. He's just crazy enough to do it."
Bart [threatening voice]: "Drop it, or I swear, I'll blow this nigger's head all over this town." [scared voice] "Oh, Lordy Lord! He's desperate. Do what he say. Do what he say." [And when he finally backs safely into the Sheriff's Office] "Oh, baby. You are so talented, and they are so dumb."
Braca: "We have got to get out of here now."
John: "Oh, really. Well, alrighty, then."
"Alrighty then" is a catchphrase started by Jim Carrey in the movie ACE VENTURA, PET DETECTIVE.
John: "Never get off the boat. Never get off the boat, man."
A reference to a line by Chef (Fredric Forrest) in APOCALYPSE NOW just after he and Capt. Williard (Martin Sheen) encounter a tiger in the jungle:
Chef: "Chief, you were right. Never get out of the fuckin' boat! Never get outta the boat. Never get outta the boat. I gotta remember, I gotta remember. Never get outta the boat. Never get outta the boat."

Die Me Dichotomy
John: "Aeryn, as long as I stay busy...he leaves me alone. Sometimes if I sing, he leaves me alone." [hums "Ride of the Valkyries"]
This is the second time (see "Crackers Don't Matter", again) that John hums the famous tune from Richard Wagner's opera DER RING DES NIBELUNGEN.
Stark: "How do you feel?"
John: "Like a popsicle. Gotta love the sphincter end of the universe."
Stark: "They're just going to have a look, an examination."
John: "Make sure he puts the KY on the glove."
A popsicle is a "quiescently frozen confection", according to How Stuff Works.
KY Jelly is a lubricant manufactured by Johnson & Johnson, commonly used for examination or recreation involving the anus.
John/Harvey: "Ooo, fireworks."
catherine summers suggests that Ben Browder was imitating Robin Williams' character, Mork from Ork, in the delivery of this line.
Diagnosan Tocot: "Sorry, but...speech close to...neural implant."
John: "You're gonna take my memories, and I'm gonna talk gibberish? Why not just take my mojo while you're at it?"
Mojo, a word derived from an African language term for medicine man, is variously defined today as a magic spell, a charm, an amulet of significance in voodoo, or personal magnetism/charisma. The OED cites a 1926 source which defines mojo to be "'charms, amulets, or tricks', as 'to work mojo' on a person or 'to carry a mojo'". In a very broad sense, it can be taken as a type of personal spiritual power: "With his weather mojo working overtime he got four hot sunny days." The term was also used in AUSTIN POWERS: THE SPY WHO SHAGGED ME to refer to the title character's sexual prowess.
John: "You're gonna tell me my health plan doesn't cover this, right?"
A reference to the practices of most American health insurance companies, which often specifically exclude "experimental procedures" from the list of treatments for which they will cover the costs.
Season Three
Season of Death
Harvey: "Death is the only sensible course, John. For everything there is a season, a time to be born, and..."
John: "A time to die, yes, yes, yes. The Devil quotes scripture."
An Old Testament biblical reference from the Book of Ecclesiastes (Chapter 3, Verses 1-8):
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
Aside from any religious significance, this passage was made popular, of course, by the 1960s rock group The Byrds with the song "Turn, Turn, Turn" (adapted by Pete Seeger).
"The Devil quotes scripture" is an adage with its roots in Shakespeare. In "The Merchant of Venice" (Act I Scene 3), Antonio declares:
Mark you this, Bassanio,
The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart:
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!
John: "Can I get a Hell Yeah?"
This quote is the signature line of professional wrestler "Stone Cold Steve Austin".
The move that John executed (in addition to the elbow drop) is called the "Stunner", and is the same wrestler's signature end move.
Just prior to his and D'Argo's attempt to leave the surgery, John -- presumably to test his speech restoration -- starts to quote the tongue-twisting nursery rhyme "Peter Piper".

Suns and Lovers
The title is a reference to SONS AND LOVERS by D.H. Lawrence.
John: "Hey, yo, Heavy D!"
His nickname for D'Argo comes from the rap artist Heavy D.
In the bar, the manner in which John is lying back, while slowly unsnapping Wynonna from the holster, is reminiscent of Han Solo in the Mos Eisley Cantina.
John: "Whoa, whoa. Where...where do they get these stories? Let's set the facts straight. First off, there was no raping, very little pillaging, and Frau Blücher popped all the eyeballs."
A second reference (see "Liars, Guns and Money, Part Three: Plan B") to Natira as Cloris Leachman's character from YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN.
Aeryn: "Well, in Peacekeepers, it was common practice to, ah...reduce fluid levels."
John: "Fluid levels? Like, ah, what, like Valvoline? Like brake fluid?"
Valvoline is a brand of auto lubricants and other car care products.
Rygel: "I don't give a sisil's ass about a trapped girl."
John: "Yes, and that's what makes you a great humanitarian, Buckwheat, but we are not leaving. Scooby Doo time."
Buckwheat (as described in the annotations for "Family Ties") is one of the better-known of the Little Rascals.
Scooby Doo is the Great Dane from the 1969 cartoon series (and many incarnations since) SCOOBY DOO, WHERE ARE YOU?
John: "You sure One-Eye's workin' right?"
Stark: "It's working."
Borlik: "No, it's broken!"
John: "Give 'im the Scooby Doo snack, then. Where's the signal coming from?"
From the cartoon: Scooby Snack

Could'a, Would'a, Should'a (Self Inflicted Wounds 1)
John: "Colonel Klink! Yo! Inspection is over."
Colonel Klink (played by Werner Klemperer) was the Kommandant of Stalag 13 in the 1960s sitcom classic HOGAN'S HEROES.
John: "Hey, Sleeping Beauty. Wake up and die."
Sleeping Beauty was the heroine of a Brothers Grimm fairy tale. A witch's spell caused her to fall into a perpetual sleep unless awakened by the kiss of her true love.
John: "Buckwheat. You still want to get off this boat, man?"
Rygel: "More than ever! This creature sheds --"
John: "Good! 'Cause your Uncle Sam needs you."
During World War I, posters were used extensively to encourage support from the citizenry at large. As explained in one antiques publication:
Posters not only cried out for recruits, they exhorted the public to work, to save, to "button lips," and to make tremendous personal sacrifices for the war effort.
The war posters of World War I invariably presented the war as a crusade. The most often quoted recruitment poster in the United States was the James Montgomery Flagg artwork of Uncle Sam pointing a finger while the poster silently exhorted, "I Want You."
Actually, Flagg's "I Want You" poster had a British origin. Alfred Leete designed "Your Country Needs You" in 1914. It had the head and the direct pointing finger and hand down to the cuff, but no more. Flagg used more startling brush strokes.
War posters, by inference, are political posters in which the language is meant to appeal to all. Those first posters, up until 1919, in their advertising for war were considered commercial advertising. The true political poster came later.
Such posters are considered highly collectible today.
John: "This is Farscape One. Y'all leave the light on for us."
In the 1990s, American radio waves frequently carried the advertising campaign of a low-end motel chain, Motel 6. The ads featured a laid-back, country-type fellow by the name of Tom Bodett; while a catchy light tune played in the background, he told listeners, in a chummy tone, all about the downhome comforts of the motel rooms, etc. Each radio ad concluded with Bodett's trademark invitation, "We'll leave the light on for ya."
John: "Can it, F. Lee."
John is most likely a comparing Rygel to famous (or notorious, depending on one's point of view) lawyer F. Lee Bailey.
Another Three Stooges reference rears its head (dealt with in the next item).

Wait for the Wheel (Self Inflicted Wounds 2)
John: "I'm telling you, Aeryn. It was from Earth. A television transmission."
Aeryn: "What, you mean that Yoda from Dagobah?"
John: "No no no no. The Three Stooges."
Aeryn obviously remembers John talking about the STAR WARS series' Jedi Master back in "I, E.T.".
See below for Stooges annotation.
John: "Yo! Both of you! Even if Mr. Wiggles did chew on that guy, there was no one here."
"Mr. Wiggles" is one of various euphemisms for a particular part of the male anatomy. There's an on-line comic strip (not for the faint of heart) called "Rehabilitating Mister Wiggles", but it's not likely to be a source for Crichton's remark, except in that it probably also gets its title from the aforementioned euphemism.
John: "One-Adam-Twelve, guys. The critter's part of our reality now."
A reference to the 1960s/1970s TV cop drama ADAM-12, which co-starred Kent McCord (FARSCAPE's Jack Crichton). "One-Adam-Twelve" was Officers Reed & Malloy's call sign, used by the police dispatcher.
John: "Look, Princess, I know that this trip to Krugerland was not on your itinerary, but believe it or not, I know exactly how you feel."
"Krugerland" is a nickname for the Republic of South Africa, presumably deriving from S.J.P. "Oom Paul" Kruger, the first president of Transvaal, a Boer state which later formed part of the Republic (nee Union) of South Africa. This, of course, wouldn't explain why Crichton makes that particular reference...
An alternate suggestion is that Krugerland is a reference to Freddy Kruger, of A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET fame.
John: "Welcome to the Federation Starship SS Buttcrack."
A snide reference to the United Federation of Planets' fleet of starships from STAR TREK.
The Three Stooges short that plays at John's mental drive-in is "Disorder in the Court", the 15th (of 190) Stooges short from Columbia, released in May 1936.
This is one of several early Stooges shorts that are in the Public Domain, which is undoubtedly why it was used in this FARSCAPE episode, as well as why it's available on several tape and DVD collections of Stooges shorts. One can download a Media Player version of it from the web.

...Different Destinations
Stark: "Zhaan bought these. Bought them for me."
John: "I know, and you look great. You look like Astroboy."
Astroboy is an extremely popular character from Japanese comics and animation, created by Osamu Tezuka.
Dacon: "This one's still alive. Can you help me get him to the locker room?"
John: "Yeah, no problem, Opie."
Opie Taylor, played by Ron Howard, was the son of Sheriff Andy Taylor of Mayberry on the classic sitcom THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW.
While Harvey plays the old tune "Home on the Range" (see also "Home on the Remains") on the harmonica, we see "Andy" etched on the soles of his boots. This is a reference to the 1995 Pixar film TOY STORY in which the character Woody (a cowboy doll) is seen to have the name of his owner, Andy, etched onto the soles of his boots.
Aeryn: "Sub-Officer Dacon does not have to die."
John: "He's Davy Crockett at the Alamo."
One of the best known heroes in American history is Davy Crockett. After serving in Congress, he moved from his native Tennessee to Texas, where he died, along with over a hundred others at the siege of the Alamo mission in San Antonio, resisting a force of thousands of Mexican soldiers.
The two best known portrayers of Crockett in popular media are John Wayne, in THE ALAMO, directed by Wayne himself, and Fess Parker, who played Crockett in five episodes of Walt Disney's 1950s TV anthology series DISNEYLAND.
John: "If Grynes lives, he's a hero who averts a war. Dead, he's just another guy in the Laura Ashley Spring Collection."
Laura Ashley is a line of women's clothing that started in England in the early 1950s, and by the mid-70s was worldwide.
John: "D'Argo!" [fires his pulse pistol at a Venek]
D'Argo: "Whoa."
John: "Tony Montana!"
John's referring to Al Pacino's psychotic gang lord character in Brian DePalma's 1983 film SCARFACE, a remake of a 1932 film by Howard Hawks. The character in the earlier film was called Tony Camonte, not Tony Montana, so the reference is specific to the DePalma film.

Eat Me
D'Argo: "It's gone."
John: "Burnt, battered, busted. Ding dong, the pod is dead."
A reference to the well-known Munchkin song from THE WIZARD OF OZ, "Ding Dong the Witch Is Dead".
John: "Abbott and Costello in THE HOUSE OF HORROR."
Abbott & Costello never made a film called THE HOUSE OF HORROR (the only film by that title was a 1929 horror-comedy). However, this comic duo did star in several movies in which they crossed paths with several of Universal Studios's classic monster stars:
John: "And what if we're dying? What if we've been exposed to some radiation, or some virus is going to mutate us into the Night of the Living Dead?"
NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD is a classic low-budget horror film by George Romero. In it, radiation from a fallen satellite causes the dead to rise from their graves and feed on human beings. Romero made two sequels, as well as a remake of the original.
Rovhu Pilot: "Please. Kill me."
Given the combination sf/horror nature of the episode, this is a possible reference to the ALIEN film series. In a deleted scene from Ridley Scott's ALIEN, Ripley finds Captain Dallas cocooned, and he pleads with her to kill him so he doesn't suffer when the alien bursts from his chest. In James Cameron's sequel, ALIENS, the Marines come across a colonist who makes the same plea.
John: "He controls the whole ship, Chiana! He's got the Maintenance Bay, he's got the doors, he's got the windows, he's got the smoke on the water."
What Crichton means by that is a mystery to me, but the phrase "smoke on the water" originates from the song of that title written by Roger Glover and performed by the rock band Deep Purple. An explanation for the origin of the title, and the meaning of the song itself, is available on the web.
John: "Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, I can feel it. That sick, Hammer horror son of a bitch...he's going to be sucking my brains through a sippy straw, and it ain't makin' me feel comfortable!"
John is likening Kaarvok to the monsters of the movies from Britain's Hammer Films. Hammer was best known for their series of Dracula films starring Christopher Lee and Frankenstein films starring Peter Cushing. An extra layer of in-joke comes from the fact that Shane Briant, who plays Kaarvok, had actually appeared in some of Hammer's movies:
John: "Hey, kids! It's dinnertime. And it's finger-lickin' good."
"Finger-licking good" was an advertising slogan for Colonel Sanders' Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Thanks For Sharing
John: "I know it's not as bad as the last time. It's not the Cro-Magnon copy or the ALIEN NATION reject, but you can tell I'm the original, right?"
John's recalling the two duplicates from "My Three Crichtons", and is likening the bald Future Crichton to the Tenctonese from the movie 1988 film ALIEN NATION (written by FARSCAPE creator Rockne O'Bannon) and its follow-up TV series.
John: "Who did you piss off this time?"
Crais: "Talyn and I were not the aggressors."
John: "Course not, you never are. So, who is it? The Plokavoids? The Skeksis? The Big Bad Wolf?"
"Plokavoids" is the Crichtonism for the Plokavians from episode "The Ugly Truth".
The Skeksis are creatures from the Henson-created film THE DARK CRYSTAL. Many people thought that the Halosians in the FARSCAPE episode "Out of Their Minds" looked much like the Skeksis, and apparently, so did Crichton.
The Big Bad Wolf is, of course, the villain in the fable of "The Three Little Pigs", among others.
Stark: "It's not working, it's not helping, Talyn's dying, not waking up!"
John: "Astro! Work...now...freak...later. Work...now... freak...later..."
Stark: "Oh, yeah. Yes, that's fair."
John: "Good."
Stark: "How much later?"
It's not clear whether John has started calling Stark "Astro" as short for "Astroboy" (see "...Different Destinations") or as a reference to the family dog of the Jetsons.
John: "Aeryn, I'm going to Command. You stay with Captain Crunch."
Captain Crunch is the...ah...spokestoon for Captain Crunch cereal.
John #1: "He's gonna need a comms channel."
John #2: "And I'm gonna need a comms channel. Crais, I want you to find the fattest target you can. Government house, missile site, McDonalds, whatever."
"McDonalds" refers, of course, to the burger franchise.
John: "Who the hell are you?"
Pralanoth: "Rinic Pralanoth, Sovereign of Kanvia."
John: "John Crichton, Wizard of Oz."
Yet Another OZ Reference.
John: "We're here to buy the stuff, and then get the hell out of Dodge."
The meaning of the expression "Get the Hell out of Dodge" is pretty clear. It derives from the need to leave Dodge City (Kansas) before trouble starts -- or after trouble has already started -- and the law steps in.
Dodge City was a crossroad in the history of the American West, and was famed for its roster of lawmen, which includes Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson -- as well as the fictional Matt Dillon, of the TV series GUNSMOKE.
But while everyone seems to know what the expression means, no one (us included) really seems to know whence it originated. Undoubtedly, it's from a film Western, but which one is anybody's guess. The earliest notable film Westerns set in Dodge are 1939's DODGE CITY, with Errol Flynn, 1936's DODGE CITY TRAIL, and a silent film from 1914 also called DODGE CITY TRAIL.
John: "D'Argo filled me in on your adventures with the Gotti Family, but I need some details from you."
The Gotti Family, lead by "The Teflon Don" John Gotti made their name in Organized Crime in the 1980s.
John: "I want an apology."
Tolven: "I want the truth."
John: "You can't handle the...aw, let's cut the crap [...]"
A quote from Rob Reiner's 1992 courtroom drama A FEW GOOD MEN:
Jessup: "You want answers?"
Kaffee: "I want the truth!"
Jessup: "You can't handle the truth!"
John: "Cross my heart, smack me dead, stick a lobster, on my head."
A variation of the children's truth-telling oath (which John used in its original form in "The Ugly Truth"): "Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye."
John: "Who's your daddy? C'mon, you know who your daddy is! Who's your daddy? D'Argo, tell him who his daddy is!"
D'Argo: "I'm your daddy."
The origin of the phrase "Who's your daddy?" seems to be unclear, or at least of multiple possible derivations. There had been some discussion on this point in uk.media.tv.sf.farscape, with some possible sources being given as (a) a song by Duck Sex, and (b) ads for Holsten Pils.
Graham Thurwell suggests, "The reference comes from the film SCUM, which was set in a Borstal [a British reform school for youths between 16 and 22 - ed.]. 'The Daddy' was the dominant prisoner ("I'm the Daddy now"). The film starred Ray Winstone, who is also the guy in the Holsten advert."
The phrase could also be traced back to the hit song by the 1960s rock band, The Zombies, "Time of the Season", which includes the lyrics:
What's your name? (What's your name?)
Who's your daddy? (Who's your daddy?)
Is he rich (is he rich) like me?
More recent usage seems to be from the sports realm, originating from incidents involving U. of Indiana coach Bob Knight.
What they all (except for the Zombies song) seem to have in common is meaning: they're all about establishing a pecking order of worth.
I'm betting on the sports one as the source for Crichton's reference.

Green Eyed Monster
The specific metaphor used as the title is from a quote by Iago in Shakespeare's OTHELLO, Act III, Scene 3:
O, beware, my lord, of jealousy;
It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock
The meat it feeds on; that cuckold lives in bliss
Who, certain of his fate, loves not his wronger;
But, O, what damned minutes tells he o'er
Who dotes, yet doubts, suspects, yet strongly loves!
However, Portia makes a similar description of jealousy in an earlier play of Shakespeare's THE MERCHANT OF VENICE, Act III, Scene 2:
How all the other passions fleet to air,
As doubtful thoughts, and rash-embraced despair,
And shuddering fear, and green-eyed jealousy! O love,
Be moderate; allay thy ecstasy,
In measure rein thy joy; scant this excess.
I feel too much thy blessing: make it less,
For fear I surfeit.
John: "That's no moon [...] That's a budong!"
A paraphrase of Obi-Wan Kenobi's line in STAR WARS, after spotting the Death Star: "That's no moon...that's a space station."
John: "Yo, Jonah! We have been swallowed, that is down, and I for one do not want to be budong chow!"
John's first reference is to the Old Testament story of Jonah, who was swallowed by a "great fish".
Purina Mills is an American company known for making the "Chow" line of animal feeds: Dog Chow, Goat Chow, Monkey Chow, Gerbil Chow, Rabbit Chow, Woodchuck Chow (we kid you not, these guys probably make Chow for species you've never heard of). As a result, it has become fairly common in the U.S. to refer to any species-specific food as "(Species) Chow". See this commercial site for some examples, as well as Purina's "Show Chow" site.
[Personal anecdote: the parent company for Chow products was founded by the Danforth family of Missouri. When a later member of the family served as Chancellor of a private university in St. Louis, the student body commonly referred to the campus food service as "People Chow". -- ed.]
Aeryn: "Still nothing. Pitch Black."
Not a reference in the usual sense, but likely an in-jokey nod to Claudia Black's first feature film, PITCH BLACK.
John: "Yeah, it's new, it's improved, it's the Finger of Friendship, $19.95. But wait, kids, there's more!"
A play on TV ads that offer more and more "extras" to the item being offered, all for the same low price.
Aeryn: "He's not responding."
John: "Houston, we have a problem. Didn't you take the transponder?"
A (slight mis-)quote from the Apollo 13 lunar mission, after the loss of two of the three fuel cells powering the spacecraft. This famous understatement was actually "Houston, we've had a problem here", and is usually attributed to Mission Commander Jim Lovell, when in fact Lovell's own account of the mission states that it was Jack Swigert who said it.
Crais: "I see you found a weapon. What do you intend to do with it? Shoot me?"
John: "That's one option."
Crais: "Of course it is. We've come full circle, John Crichton. Now you want to kill me."
John: "Then don't make my day."
John's last line above comes from the 1983 "Dirty Harry" film, SUDDEN IMPACT, as Harry Callahan dares a perp holding a hostage to shoot, with "Go ahead, make my day."
John: "Man, you guys should see this ugly sticky flesh. Kind of like my Aunt Ruth's special jello."
John: "Hey, Stark, you ready yet? I'm stuck out here in Spam land!"
Two references to American foodstuffs, both likely stemming from John's observations of the budong's internal tissues:
Jello is flavored gelatin; a popular brand in the U.S. is named Jell-O, which gave rise to the word as a generic term.
Spam is a "luncheon meat" created in 1937 by Hormel and distributed in small blue rectangular cans; the name is a a shortened form of the original product name, "Spiced Ham". It has a pink, slightly gelatinous appearance.
John: "Lemme show you something. ...Come here, I'm not gonna bite... This is a star chart. These are the names I gave the stars."
Aeryn: "They've already got names."
John: "Yeah, I know, but Mintaka Three sounds boring to me, anyway. That's Huey, Louie, Dewey...you see that one? That's that star right there. The bright one. [...]"
Mintaka, in addition to being an actual star in the constellation Orion, was the setting for a STAR TREK: TNG episode ("Who Watches the Watchers") written by Farscape writer Richard Manning.
Huey, Louie, and Dewey are the three nephews of the popular Walt Disney character Donald Duck.
An alternate suggestion is that this was also a nod to the film SILENT RUNNING (1971), in which the lead character named his robotic drone assistants for the same cartoon characters.

Losing Time
John: "Don't...look...look...remember the ship in the wormhole? I saw the Three Stooges, the broadcast."
Jool: "I'm with Miss Monochrome. Let's get the frell out of here."
John: "D, c'mon, man. Look, it's the Stooges." [imitates Curly]
Yet another reference to the lovable trio of numbskulls. Another reference occurs at the end of the episode (not quoted here).
John: "Abbott!"
The standard cry of Lou Costello for his partner Bud Abbott, when he's nervous or afraid.
Chiana: "Are you sure you bled?"
John: "Yes, I...I bled, you don't make some--...like a, it was a lake of blood, it was biblical!"
John's most likely alluding to the First Plague of Egypt, as described in the Old Testament Book of Exodus 7:19-21:
And the LORD spake unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and stretch out thine hand upon the waters of Egypt, upon their streams, upon their rivers, and upon their ponds, and upon all their pools of water, that they may become blood; and that there may be blood throughout all the land of Egypt, both in vessels of wood, and in vessels of stone.
And Moses and Aaron did so, as the LORD commanded; and he lifted up the rod, and smote the waters that were in the river, in the sight of Pharaoh, and in the sight of his servants; and all the waters that were in the river were turned to blood.
And the fish that was in the river died; and the river stank, and the Egyptians could not drink of the water of the river; and there was blood throughout all the land of Egypt.
D'Argo: "Crichton, calm down. You're tired. It could all turn out to be nothing."
John: "Nothing? I am bleeding and I have no wounds. So I'm either St. John of the Uncharted Territories or there's something very, very wrong with me."
Crichton is alluding to the Stigmata, which are incidents of bleeding from the same points in the body (hands, feet, forehead, and sides) where Christ had suffered wounds during the Crucifixion. Stigmata are one of the criteria the Church has used for determining Sainthood.
Chiana: "Why do you believe a word that thing inside of Pilot is saying?"
John: "I don't have to believe it, Chiana, but something made me bleed, and it made all of us shake like a sheep in Arkansas."
It's not clear what special connection, if any, sheep have to Arkansas (or why they would shake). But perhaps it has to do with the joke: "Did you hear that they've found a new use for sheep in Arkansas? Wool."
John: "Kiss my butt. If I'm Linda Blair, why am I tellin' you guys anything?"
Jool: "Well, it'd be the smart thing to do if later you need to appear innocent."
John: "I'm not that smart."
Jool: "I thought of that."
Linda Blair played the demon-possessed child in THE EXORCIST.
John: "My dad's name was Jack. My dog's name is Hubble. I lost my virginity to Karen Shaw in the back of a four-by."
Crichton's dog was likely named either after the orbital Hubble Space Telescope, or the actual scientist for whom that telescope was named.
John: "All right, we don't understand the R2-D2 crap. We're going to use the Star Trek system: one blink for yes, two blinks for no. You understand?"
John first refers to R2-D2's method of making unintelligible (to humans) noises to communicate. The "Star Trek system" he describes is a reference to Christopher Pike, Kirk's predecessor as Captain of the Enterprise in STAR TREK. In the 2-part episode "The Menagerie", Pike was shown to be an invalid as the result of damaging exposure to delta rays. He could not move (he had a motorized chair carting him around), and could only communicate by a system of flashing lights: one flash for yes, two for no. Thus the nickname "DRD Pike" that Crichton gives the DRD.
Tallip [in Pilot]: "What are you doing here?"
John: "Oh, relax, Casper. I'm not here to interrupt your blissing. Too much makes you go blind, though, you know."
"Casper" is a reference to the cartoon character, Casper the Friendly Ghost.
John's last sentence refers to the myth (at least, I hope it's a myth :-)) that too much masturbation will cause one to go blind.

John: "Well, they're either after us or not. We've left a trail Stevie Wonder could follow."
Aeryn: "Oh, well...wait."
John: "What?"
Aeryn: "Oarusk fruit." [knocks one down, revealing it to be highly acidic]
John: "Remind me not to put that on my Cocoa Puffs."
Stevie Wonder is one of the best-known of Motown's R&B artists. He's also known for his blindness, which is the reason that he's often used in ironic contexts such as Crichton's.
Cocoa Puffs is a brand of cereal made by General Mills. Its advertising shtick was Sonny the Cuckoo Bird saying, "I'm cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!"
Crais: "You have no idea where we are going. We could be going around in circles."
John: "We're not going in circles, nimrod. Because we've never been here before, we're completely lost."
The word "nimrod" has a strange etymology. Most people know it from its colloquial definition: a stupid or foolish person. This meaning comes from its use as an appellation given by Bugs Bunny to Elmer Fudd or Yosemite Sam.
The way Bugs spoke it made it sound pejorative, but he was, however, undoubtedly using it in its true definition of "hunter", derived from the Biblical character Nimrod, a great-grandson of Noah, as mentioned in the Old Testament Book of Genesis:
10:8 And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.
10:9 He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD.
John: "As long as you're here...these piña colada things chasing us...are they everything Crais has cracked them up to be?"
The Piña Colada is an alcoholic beverage of Caribbean origin. John is playing on the phonic resemblance of "Colarta" and "Colada".
John: "We've been here. That's Old Faithful. We must be near Talyn."
Old Faithful is the name of the world's best-known geyser, located in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming.

John: "All right, Scorp. Then what am I? Bootleg? A ghost? Holodeck Crichton? A wanderin' soul that ain't got no body?"
YASTR. The holodeck (introduced on STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION) was a virtual reality simulator.

Crais: "You know the truth. You know I'll never again be a Peacekeeper."
John: "Never say never again, double-oh-seven, that's all I know."
"007" is James Bond's Secret Service designation that gives him "licence to kill". NEVER SAY NEVER AGAIN is a Bond movie (a remake of the earlier Bond film THUNDERBALL) in which Sean Connery came back to the role after 12 years. The title was a joke based on the fact that after 1971's DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER, Connery announced that he would "never again" play the character.
John: "How 'bout you tell us first. How'd you get here? You just beamed in."
Another Star Trek reference, this time to the transporters used by the Federation's Starfleet ships.
John: "The Pied Piper's found a new tune."
Crais: "Explain."
A reference to the protagonist of the fairy tale "The Pied Piper of Hamelin", in which a piper is hired to rid Hameln Town of rats, which he does by playing a tune on his pipe that mesmerizes the rats and causes them to follow him out of the town. Afterward, when the Mayor refuses to pay him (whence comes the expression "to pay the piper"), the Piper lures the children of the town away as he had done the rats. It's based on a legend of the disappearance of the children in the German town of Hamelin in the late 13th Century.
John: "All right, Phantom, new tune for the opera!"
John speaks the above line to Stark, whose face is half covered by a mask, much like the title character in the multimedia classic THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA.
Gaston Leroux's original novel, LE FANTÔME DE L'OPÉRA, was first published in 1911. Several film versions followed, the most notable being the 1925 Lon Chaney silent, and a 1943 version starring Claude Rains. The most recent popular version of the story is the musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber, which first opened in London in 1986.
Mu-Quillus: "Power down your weapons. I can offer you better terms."
John: "Damn, Smokey, you can't argue with a woman!"
Crichton is probably making an ironic reference to Smokey Bear, the fire prevention icon used by the US Department of Agriculture's Forest Service since 1944. His motto was "Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires".
A real bear cub, injured in a fire in Capitan, New Mexico in 1950, was dubbed Smokey Bear. He died in 1976, and was buried in the Smokey Bear Historical Park in Capitan.

Scratch 'N Sniff
John: "Right, go find 'em, Lassie, it was your idea to come down here in the first place."
As noted in the annotations for "Beware of Dog", Lassie is the beloved canine character created by Eric Knight in 1938, and who later became a film, radio, and TV star.
John: "All right, then. You know what? We are being scammed. Ren and Stimpy here are teamin' up to rip us off. Let's get outta here."
Ren Höek and Stimpson J. Cat are the stars of the cartoon REN & STIMPY, created by John Kricfalusi, that aired on the cable channel Nickelodeon from 1991 to 1994.
John: "Wha...what doesn't make sense? She nailed him with Love Potion Number Nine."
"Love Potion #9" was a hit song first recorded in 1959 by The Clovers. It was written by Jerry Lieber & Mike Stoller, who were responsible for many of the greatest hits of early rock'n'roll, including Elvis Presley's "Hound Dog" and "Jailhouse Rock", The Coasters' "Yakety Yak", The Drifters' "On Broadway" and "Spanish Harlem", and Ben E. King's "Stand By Me". Their songs are the centerpiece of the stage show SMOKEY JOE'S CAFÉ.
Harvey: "Ka D'Argo."
[D'Argo hisses]
John: "No, it... it's okay. That's... um... that's Harvey, it's not Scorpy. He's a pooka, he's... he's not real."
In the 1950 movie HARVEY -- whence comes Crichton's nickname for the Scorpy neural clone in his head -- the invisible rabbit of that name was referred to as a pooka, which is actually the term for a type of Irish sprite.
The exterior shot of Fe'Tor's compound shows it to be based on Frank Gehry's design for the Guggenheim Museum (see also) in Bilbao, Spain. [Thank you to GutPageant for the information and links.]
Mitors: "Distinguished friends...We now come to the sale you've been waiting for. I present the olfactory genius, Heska Fe'Tor."
John: "Does this guy just scream Vegas or what?"
John's referring to the ostentatiousness of the headliners in shows held in the various Las Vegas venues.

Daedalus Demands (Infinite Possibilities 1)
The subtitle (along with that of Part Two, "Icarus Abides") refers to the Greek myth of Daedalus and Icarus. In brief: the scientist/engineer Daedalus created wings that would enable a man to fly, and warned his son Icarus not to fly too high, or the sun would melt the wax holding the feathers of the wings together. But, of course, kids never listen to their parents...
The reference applies to this 2-part episode on several levels. One would be the father-son relationship between the alien "Jack" and Crichton. Another would be more specifically that Daedalus-Jack is supplying Icarus-John with a technology that, if misused, would mean his death. This is somewhat underscored by the fact that it is radiation from the device which ultimately causes John's death.
Early in the episode, as Harvey "pulls John in" for a meeting, they appear in bumper cars, one of numerous common, thrilling (or insane, depending on one's point of view) amusement park rides. This is echoed toward the end of the episode when John takes Harvey on a rollercoaster ride.
John: "All right, seat belt sign is off. Aeryn, Crais, we're up."
As noted in the annotations for "Durka Returns", this refers to the Federal regulations in the United States requiring that seatbelts be worn by all aircraft passengers during takeoff and landing, when the Fasten Seatbelt sign is illuminated.
John: "My, Grandma. What big teeth you have."
A reference to the fairy tale of "Little Red Riding Hood", best known in its Brothers Grimm version.
Harvey: "Help me, John!"
John: "Go to hell, Scorpy. 'For everything there is a season. A time to keep, and a time to cast away.'"
As previously mentioned in the annotations for "Season of Death", this is a reference to the Old Testament Book of Ecclesiastes, a slight variation of:
3:5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together.

Icarus Abides (Infinite Possibilities 2)
Aside from the subtitle's reference to the Greek myth of Daedalus & Icarus (see entry for Part One), there are no pop culture references herein.

Revenging Angel
Note from jayembee, 23 Feb 2002:
You know how synchronicity has a way of biting you in the ass?
Various things cut into my time, and delayed my getting this set of S3 episodes annotated. I finally finished compiling them yesterday, and got them ready to post today. On the way into work this morning, I found out that the great animator Chuck Jones died.
It seems appropriate (and synchronous) that one of the episodes annoted herein is "Revenging Angel", which is a tribute to Jones's legacy -- most notably the Road Runner & Coyote cartoons.
And so this set of annotations is dedicated with love and admiration for the estimable Mr. Jones. Hey, Chuck, don't forget to take that left turn at Albuquerque.
The title is a play of the term "Avenging Angel". Also known as the Angels of Destruction, the Avenging Angels were the incarnation of God's wrath. Perhaps the best-known example are the (unnamed) Avenging Angels who destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gommorah in the Old Testament Book of Genesis, Chapter 19.
John: "Go away, and let me do what I gotta do."
Harvey: "Oh, what? Find a reason to live?"
John: "I got plenty of reasons."
Harvey: "Then give me...the Letterman List."
John: "Earth, Dad, pizza, sex, cold beer, fast cars, sex, Aeryn, love."
A reference to the Top Ten Lists read each night by David Letterman on THE LATE SHOW WITH DAVID LETTERMAN.
[And yes, John only lists nine items, with one of those being listed twice.]
Harvey: "Ahn...How did you...? Ahh...Grrr...Looney Tunes!"
And now it begins. From this point on, John's mental landscape takes on the form and style of Warner Bros.' famous Looney Tunes, the successor to their equally notable Merrie Melodies series. See also the Unofficial Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies Page.
The primary source for the references is the series of toons featuring the Road Runner and Coyote. As described in the annotations for "Throne for a Loss", Wile E. Coyote -- Canis Nervous Rex -- is the self-styled Super Genius, whose overly elaborate plans to catch the Road Runner -- Velocitus Incredibilis -- for dinner always went awry.
Among the gags herein that are parodies of standard RR/C shticks are (1) the "rocket surfer kit", (2) the "wormhole" painted on the side of the mountain, and (3) the cannon -- along with D'Argo -- falling to the canyon floor.
But while Toon-D'Argo's schemes are patterned after Wile E. Coyote's, his temperment is more akin to Yosemite Sam, one of Bugs Bunny's nemeses.
The toonscape in John's mind also had design elements much like that of various alien worlds in the Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck cartoons that featured Marvin the Martian.
Harvey: "This Afterschool Special dissipates our chances of survival, John."
John: "You really want revenge?"
Harvey: "Oh, yes!"
John: "Okay."
[an "Ozme" 1000-ton weight drops on Harvey]
THE ABC AFTERSCHOOL SPECIAL was an occasional (typically once a month) bit of programming that ran on a weekday afternoon on ABC, starting in 1972 and continuing on well into the 90s. They usually had socially relevant topics, intended to be as much educational as entertaining.
CBS had its own version from 1978 on, first called CBS AFTERNOON PLAYHOUSE, and later CBS SCHOOLBREAK.
"Ozme" is a play on "Acme", the mail-order company that provided Wile E. Coyote -- and other Looney Tune characters -- with whatever items he needed for his schemes. Weights (or safes, or anvils) dropping from the sky on top of characters was also a standard shtick in the Looney Tunes.
(And, of course, the "Oz" part of "Ozme" comes from the nickname for Australia.)
[Toon MIR hits D'Argo]
John: "God, I love science fiction." [honk honk]
MIR was the Russian space station, the core module of which was launched in February 1986. After 15 years in orbit, it finally came to a fiery end in Earth's atmosphere on March 23, 2001, crashing into the Pacific Ocean.
The "honk honk" is a reference to the Road Runner's occasional "beep beep".
When Aeryn appears in John's mind in toon form, she changes appearance into (in order):
- Jessica Rabbit, wife of the titular character of Disney's WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT, based on Gary K. Wolf's novel WHO CENSORED ROGER RABBIT? Toon-Aeryn's line, "I get it: I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way," is a quote by Jessica in the film.
- Marilyn Monroe, the Numero Uno Love Goddess. Toon-Aeryn's "Happy Birthday, Mr. Astronaut..." is a parody of Marilyn's singing "Happy Birthday" ["...Mr. President..."] to John F. Kennedy.
- Egyptian queen Cleopatra.
Aeryn/Cleo: "Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?"
John: "Honey, that's the wrong Shakespeare."
Aeryn/Cleo was quoting Juliet from Shakespeare's ROMEO AND JULIET, Act II, Scene 2:
"O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I'll no longer be a Capulet."
Cleopatra was, however, in a different one of the Bard's tragedies, ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA, hence John's remark.
- Dorothy Gale, the girl hero of THE WIZARD OF OZ. "There's no place like home," is the chant, accompanied by tapping her ruby slippers together, that Dorothy uses to return home to Kansas.
- Pop star Madonna [Ciccone]. The conical breasts with the tassels is from one of Madonna's more infamous outfits. Toon-Aeryn's "Hey, Johnny, like a virgin?" refers to Madonna's song "Like a Virgin" from the 1984 album of the same title.
- One of the babes from BAYWATCH. If it's a specific one, I don't know which. Toon-Aeryn's line, "I...like...rescue you," suggests that these Baywatch Babes are as brainless as they are busty.
At this point, John says, "Can you do that Sharon Stone thing? Basic Instinct." This is an allusion to the Paul Verhoeven film BASIC INSTINCT, which contains a rather notorious scene in which Sharon Stone's character, being interrogated by police detectives, spreads her legs enough to reveal that she's not wearing underwear.
- Nancy Reagan: "Johnny...just say..."
John: "No!"
Aeryn/Nancy: "There's a good boy."
A reference to the former First Lady's anti-drug slogan, "Just say no".
Toon-Aeryn: "Run, Forrest, run!"
This line, as John is chased out of the scene by the appearance of D'Argo, is a reference to Robert Zemeckis's 1994 film, FORREST GUMP. That particular quote is spoken by the young Jenny (Hanna R. Hall).
[The USS Enterprise flies out of the painted wormhole]
Scotty [voiceover]: "Captain, we hit something with the front of the ship."
[ship goes into warp drive]
This shtick is a parody of the times in the Road Runner & Coyote cartoons in which, on the rare occasions that the Coyote doesn't slam into the cliffside when trying to follow the Road Runner into the painted tunnel, gets hit by a train coming out.
The Enterprise, and Scotty, are of course Yet Another Star Trek Reference.
Toon-John: "You'd really shoot me? We could get counselling. I know this guy. Dr. Chuck Jones. Wrote the...Dr. Chuck Jones wrote the book on these situations.
Chuck Jones (1912-2002) is one of the better known of the Looney Tunes directors, having had a hand in the creation of many memorable characters, most especially (in relevance to this episode) the Coyote and Road Runner.
Harvey: "You feel the life ebbing from both of us, John? The creep of cadaverous cold? Achilles, I believe your strength has a weakness."
Achilles, one of the great heroes of the Trojan War was, according to Greek myth, dipped into the River Styx by his mother when he was a baby. This made made him invulnerable to all harm, except that he was held by one of his heels, which left that part of his body still vulnerable. He consequently died from a poison arrow hitting his heel. It's from this myth that the expression "Achilles' heel", meaning weakness, comes.
"Ozme Proto-Nuclear Froonium"
In a roundabout way, this is YASTR, poking fun at that series' frequent use of meaningless technological terms.
The term "froonium" was explained by Farscape writer and producer Richard Manning thusly:
Moderator: <RygeltheFirst> to <Moderator>: For Mr. Manning: "Froonium" has shown up more than once in shows that you write for. Do you hold the exclusive rights??
Ricky: (laughing) I'm amazed you caught THAT.
Ricky: BUT you haven't heard it on Farscape...
Ricky: ...yet.
Ricky: It was something Hans Beimler and I always used as a generic term on Next Gen when discussing technobabble --
Ricky: "okay, the communicators don't work on this planet because of the high froonium level in the rocks..."
Ricky: But I don't think we ever DID get it into a Next Gen ep.
Ricky: So I've been making up for it ever since. [...]
Ricky: John stays clean shaven, of course, using Froonium Shave.
Ricky: (See how useful the word is?)
Ricky: (Better than Spatial Anomaly!)
"Free Beer and Pizza. Astronuts welcome."
One of the Coyote's tricks was to lure the Road Runner into a trap using "Free Bird Seed" as bait. The "Free Beer" is also possibly a reference to the Looney Tune "One Froggy Evening" (also directed by Chuck Jones, and written by RR/C toon writer Michael Maltese), in which a man comes into possession of a singing and dancing amphibian (Michigan J. Frog, currently the "mascot" of the WB network). He can't get anyone to come and see the frog's act, even after offering free admission, but after ammending the sign to say "Free Beer", people come swarming in.
(Note: in these more Politically Correct times, TV airings of this cartoon typically cut the "Free Beer" sequence, so that it looks like it's the free admission that attracts the audience.)
John's tombstone reads:
"Natural Born Loser" is likely a reference (titular only, not in terms of content) to Oliver Stone's 1994 film NATURAL BORN KILLERS.
John: "I don't wanna be like other people. I don't wanna be like you. I don't wanna stoop that low. Kirk wouldn't stoop that low."
Harvey: "That was a television show, John. And he made Priceline commercials. But if you insist...then look to Kirk the way he really was -- savage when he had to be."
Kirk is, of course, Yet Another Star Trek Reference. Harvey's comment refers to a series of commercials that William Shatner did for Priceline.com (though they've since parted ways). From an article in USAToday:
"Shatner had done print and radio ads for Priceline since 1998. But it's 'Shatner Sings,' an over-the-top series of TV spots that started airing in January [2000], that's had the biggest consumer impact. They star Shatner as a leather-jacketed lounge lizard rapping and belting out banal pop tunes from the '60s and '70s."
[D'Argo advances on John, getting his foot stuck in a pail, slipping on a banana peel, getting his other foot stuck in a beartrap, and finally being dropped through a trap door by John, all common Looney Tune gags.]
John: "Enh...what's up, D'Argo?"
Obviously a variation on Bugs Bunny's signature line, "Enh...what's up, Doc?".
John: "On with the show, this is it! No cartoons...no crutches... revenge. I'd like to thank the Academy...(mwuh!)...for this beautiful Oscar...(mwuh!)..."
The first line is from the theme song to various incarnations of THE BUGS BUNNY SHOW, a TV showcase for the Looney Tunes that first aired on ABC in prime time from 1960-1962:
"Overture, curtain, lights.
This is it, the night o' nights.
No more rehearsing and nursing our parts.
We know every part by heart.
"Overture, curtain, lights.
This is it, to hit the heights.
And, oh, what heights we'll hit.
On with the show, this is it."
The bit about thanking the Academy for the Oscar is, I believe, a reference to an acceptance speech by Bugs Bunny when the Looney Tune "Knighty Knight Bugs" won the Oscar for Best Animated Short Film for 1958. I haven't been able to find a copy of his speech to confirm it yet.
John: "I appreciate your help, though. That's all, folks."
"That's all, folks!" is, of course, the sign-off phrase spoken by Porky Pig at the end of each Looney Tune.

The Choice
There are no pop culture references in this episode.

Rygel: "And, ah, since she arrived, sweet Orrhn has been atop me. Or, ah, beneath me. Or, ah..."
John: "Ohhh-kay, there's a mental Polaroid we can all live without, Ryge."
Polaroid is primarily known as the maker of instant photographic cameras and film, and secondarily of light polarizing filters and lenses.
Rygel: "And Orrhn and I will just be, ah..."
John"...be making the Hynerian with two backs, trunks, whatever."
A play on the saying "the beast with two backs", a common euphemistic description of a couple having sex, coined by Shakespeare in OTHELLO, Act I, Scene I:
Brabantio: "What profane wretch art thou?"
Iago: "I am one, sir, that comes to tell you your daughter and the Moor are now making the beast with two backs."
John: "Mag-stet. [long pause] Turbo-sealer. [long pause] Fluffy pink slippers. Donald Duck. Mickey Mouse. Huey, Louie, and Dewey. You wanna talk? Okay fine, no talking. No, you know what? I want to talk. [...]"
Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse are, of course, the two most well-known and popular of Walt Disney's stable of characters. As mentioned previously, in the annotations for "Green Eyed Monster", Huey, Louie, and Dewey are Donald Duck's three nephews.
Rygel: "What do you want?"
John: "Their transport pod is stocked, and it's, ah, almost repaired. Is Barbarella ready to vamoose?"
Barbarella was the heroine of a racy French science fiction comic strip, created by Jean-Claude Forest for V. MAGAZINE in 1962, and collected into graphic novel form in 1964. In 1968, the comic strip was adapted into a film, with Jane Fonda in the title role.
John: "Can he hear us?"
Boolite: "Yes."
Jool: "Well...there's an ear here somewhere."
John: "Okay, this is...a little too Naked Lunch."
NAKED LUNCH is a controversial avant-garde novel by William S. Burroughs, first published in 1959. A perceptive analysis of the book contains the following observation that perhaps explains the point of John's reference:
"When addicted/possessed, the human being becomes identical with the virus and regresses to a lower form of life. Numerous transformations in the novel from man to subhuman organism illustrate this hypothesis. Willie the Disk, for example, is an informer-addict whom police use as a bloodhound. Bradley the Buyer is addicted to contact with junkies and becomes a man-eating monster eventually destroyed by flame throwers. Dr. Schafer's 'de-anxictized man' turns into a giant black centipede. The most important episode illustrating this process is the story of 'the talking asshole' told by Benway in the central section of the book: 'Ordinary Men and Women.' In this story, a man is taken over by one of his bodily functions (the 'lowest') and reduced to 'one all-purpose blob.'"
Burroughs' novel was made into a film in 1991 by David Cronenberg, himself a filmmaker whose body of work follows a theme of biological horror, in which people are transformed in mind and body. Of particular note in this vein are: 1983's VIDEODROME, 1986's remake of THE FLY, and 1999's eXistenZ.

I-Yensch, You-Yensch
The title (directly referring to the "I-Yensch" bracelets) is probably a play on the children's chant (spoken by Crichton in "Crackers Don't Matter"), "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream."
The overall plot is loosely based on Sidney Lumet's 1975 film DOG DAY AFTERNOON, in which two would-be crooks -- played by Al Pacino and John Cazale -- attempt to rob a bank. What starts out as a simple crime snowballs into a rather absurd hostage situation.
There's also an homage to another Pacino film, Michael Mann's HEAT from 1995. The meeting between the enemy sides -- Scorpius & Braca, and Rygel & D'Argo -- in a diner, recalls the similar scene in HEAT in which Detective Hanna (Pacino) and his nemesis McCauley (Robert DeNiro) meet in a diner to discuss their conflict.

Lambs To The Slaughter (Into the Lion's Den 1)
The two "World War II" sequences (with Harvey) may be a reference to a specific WWII film, but I don't recognize them as such. However, the music during those sequences (and the similar one in Part Two) interpolates the Civil War-era song "When Johnny Comes Marching Home", which is a variation on an older Irish song, "Johnny We Hardly Knew Ye", but puts a more cheerfully victorious spin on it. "Fighting for Strangers" is another excellent variant, best known in its version by the British folk-rock band Steeleye Span.
Scorpius: "I'm sorry, John, but we must move faster. The equations we need are in here."
John: "Don't touch me! Locked away; I can't get at 'em."
Scorpius: "Or perhaps you're holding back."
John: "Grasshopper, you tried to snatch the feather from my head."
A reference (actually, two references) to the 1970s TV series KUNG FU. "Grasshopper" was the nickname given to the young Kwai Chang Caine (Radames Pera) by Shaolin Master Po (Keye Luke) during a flashback sequence in the pilot movie:
Master Po: "Close your eyes. What do you hear?"
Caine: "I hear the water. I hear a bird."
Master Po: "Do you hear your own heartbeat?"
Caine: "No."
Master Po: "Do you hear the grasshopper which is at your feet?"
Caine [amazed when he sees there is indeed a grasshopper there]: "Old man, how is it that you hear these things?"
Master Po: "Young man, how is it that you do not?"
"Snatch the feather from my head" is a variation on another oft-shown sequence from KUNG FU, in which Master Kan (Philip Ahn) explains to the grown up Caine (David Carradine) when Caine's studies will be completed:
Master Kan: "As quickly as you can...snatch the pebble from my hand." [Caine tries and fails] "When you can take the pebble from my hand, it will be time for you to leave."
John: "Look, Scorpy thinks that Scarrans are Public Enemy No. 1. They want to wipe out other, lesser species. Is that true?"
Aeryn: "It's what we were taught."
"Public Enemy No. 1" is a label given by the FBI to the first person on their "Most Wanted" list. The first person to be so labelled was the infamous gangster John Dillinger in 1934.
John: "Hey, Hopper, let 'em go, or I will kill you, bracelet or no bracelet."
Scorpius: "Calm down, John, calm down. Moya and your friends are unharmed."
"Hopper" may be just a shortened version of "Grasshopper", which John calls Scorpius earlier (see above) and in Part Two. Or it could be a reference to the Kevin Spacey-voiced villain in the Pixar Studios film A BUG'S LIFE (1998).
Scorpius: "I suspect you're stalling. Either through ignorance or by design. I hoped you'd see reason."
John: "What do you think I see? Hunh? I'm here, on a big, stinkin' command carrier, Dick Tracy's freakin' neural bracelet linkin' me to Bram Stoker's nightmare. What more do you want from me?"
The "Dick Tracy" remark refers to the famous comic strip created by Chester Gould in 1931, which later made the jump to books, radio, and film. Though the Tracy strip never had I-Yensch neural bracelets, it often featured technologically advanced gadgets, the most notable and best-known one being a two-way radio wristwatch.
"Bram Stoker's nightmare" is the vampire character Dracula created by Stoker in his 1897 novel, which also made the transition to other media (more movies have been made about Dracula than virtually any other literary character).
Crichton had previously linked Scorpius to Dracula when he called him "Nosferatu" in the first season episode "Nerve".

Wolf In Sheep's Clothing (Into the Lion's Den 2)
John [chuckling]: "Awww, Grasshopper, you're so screwed."
...continuing the KUNG FU reference described in the previous entry.
Aeryn: "But if Grayza's going to stop the experiment in a few days, then we have already succeeded."
John: "No, Scorpius is in Captain Queeg mode. Somebody's stolen his strawberries, and he's not going to let his pet project die."
Captain Queeg is the martinet character in Herman Wouk's novel and stage play THE CAINE MUTINY, made into a film in 1954, starring Humphrey Bogart as Queeg.
In the story, a quart of strawberries disappearing from the ship's mess is the point of no return that eventually leads to the mutiny onboard the Caine.
John [to Co-Kura Strappa]: "Yo, Harrison. Get your shoes on. We're goin' on a little trip to my module."
This is reportedly a private in-joke by writer Rockne O'Bannon, and not a pop culture reference.
John: "What? You worried that if I turn to Silly Putty so do you? Why don't you come with me? C'mon, Grasshopper, come with me. [...]"
Silly Putty is a silicone-based polymer discovered by James Wright in the 1940s while trying to develop a rubber substitute. No practical use was ever found for it, but a marketing consultant, Peter Hodgson, saw its potential as a toy, and in 1950, "Silly Putty" was born, becoming a sensation.
John: "Hunh? Whattya think?"
Scorpius: "This is without description, John."
John: "It's a real Kodak moment."
In 1888, George Eastman created the first portable camera using film in a roll, which he called the Kodak Box Camera, and the Eastman Kodak Company has been one of the leaders in photographic equipment and film ever since. "A Kodak moment" was an advertising slogan used to describe moments worthy of preserving on film.
Scorpius: "What is causing this, John?"
John: "Flyin' through wormholes ain't like dustin' crops, farmboy. It takes a little finesse."
A paraphrase of Han Solo's famous line to Luke Skywalker in STAR WARS, "Traveling through hyperspace ain't like dustin' crops, boy."
John: "You haven't got your wormhole legs yet. Don't worry, first time is the worst."
A variation of the phrase "sea legs", referring to the ability of sailors to walk steadily in rough seas.
The shots of the water pouring down the stairs, around Scorpius, are an homage to TITANIC, though they don't match any specific scene in that film.
John: "Tell me...Gandhi...you still goin' after Earth?"
Scorpius: "To what purpose? [...]"
John is ironically referring to Mohandas ("Mahatma") Ghandi, the Indian political and spiritual leader who lived and preached a program of non-violent protest as a means of reform.

Dog With Two Bones
Aeryn [in vision]: "John has this fantasy about us. Having kids and dogs and a pool and barbeques."
Jack: "It must seem a strange culture."
Aeryn: "Jack, I am...miserable here, and he just doesn't see it. I'm going to get married, and end up like Betty Crocker. I just keep wondering when he's going to wake up."
Betty Crocker is an advertising icon created by General Mills in 1921 as part of a promotion for their Gold Medal Flour, and is colloquially used (as Aeryn does) as the image of the quintessentially traditional housewife.
Season Four
Crichton Kicks
John had taught one of Elack's DRDs -- dubbed "1812" -- the "1812 Overture in E Flat Major, Opus 49" by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893). The overture -- probably Tchaikovsky's best known composition, but one he wasn't at all fond of himself -- was written in 1880 as part of a consecration of the Cathedral of the Redeemer in Moscow, built to commemorate the defeat of Napoleon at Borodino in 1812.
John: "Besides, I've almost cracked 'Wormholes for Dummies'."
As noted in the annotations for "The Way We Weren't", this refers to the popular series of helpful guides on various subjects.
Sikozu: "This is a dying ship. There shouldn't be anyone on board a dying ship."
John: "Absolutely correct, Tinkerbell. Okay, my turn. Who, what, when, where, why, and how?"
Tinkerbell is the fairy companion of Peter Pan in the 1904 play PETER PAN by J.M. Barrie, as well as the novel version, originally published in 1911 as PETER AND WENDY, and the various films adapted from it, mostly notably the 1953 animated feature film from Walt Disney, and Steven Spielberg's 1991 film, HOOK.
"Who, What, When, Where, Why, and hoW" are often referred to as "The Six W's": the basic questions that all journalists are traditionally expected to ask -- and answer -- in their stories. No one seems to know the origin of The Six W's. (They are sometimes referred to as The Five W's, with "how" being left off.)
Sikozu: "Your alphabet...in order."
John: [laughs] "God, I haven't done this in a long time."
John then proceeds to sing "The Alphabet Song", the traditional ditty that children are taught in order to learn the English alphabet. The origin of the song and its tune (which is the same as that of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and "Baa Baa Black Sheep") can be found at The Straight Dope.
John: "So, you...Jacques Cousteau your way upstream to where they die."
Jacques Cousteau (1910-1997) was a French oceanographer who has probably done more than anyone else to popularize exploration of Earth's oceans.
John: "Hey, man, you don't like the BAYWATCH thing, head inland."
Another reference (see the annotations for "Liars, Guns and Money, Part One: A Not So Simple Plan") to the TV series about lifeguards on the beaches of California.
Elack's Pilot: "We are old. We must accept our time is soon anyway. Perhaps in passing we can serve some purpose for others."
John: "She's Mother Teresa of the Uncharted Territories."
Mother Teresa (1910-1997 -- interestingly enough, the same birth and death years as Jacques Cousteau) is a Roman Catholic nun who from 1928 until her death was involved in missionary and charity work in India and elsewhere. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.
John speaks an "alien tongue" to the Grudeks, then says to Sikozu: "You didn't get that one, did you? 'Cause it's Klingon."
Yet another reference to the warrior race from Star Trek.
John: "Sputnik, we don't work together, we die. That's all the need-to-know I need to know."
John is probably likening Sikozu's hairdo to the antennae on Sputnik, the first space satellite, launched by the Soviet Union in 1957.
John: "We get outta here, we find someone to fix it. Before then, we gotta find a way to screw the pooch."
As noted in the annotations for "A Clockwork Nebari", the expression "screw the pooch" is a phrase used by test pilots to refer to accidents which result in destruction of the aircraft, and/or death of the pilot. Its use came into popularity with the publication of Tom Wolfe's THE RIGHT STUFF. Here, John is using it in a more literal sense of dealing with the Grudeks' Brindz Hound.
John: "You guys go find the Slaughterhouse Five. Make sure we're ready to move."
SLAUGHTERHOUSE FIVE is the title of a 1969 SF novel by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., adapted into a movie by George Roy Hill in 1972. John is being a bit metaphoric in using the phrase to describe the Grudeks' harvesting of organic material from Leviathans.
John: [to 1812] "It's beautiful. You're Picasso."
Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) is the Spaniard who's considered one of the most notable artists of the 20th Century. He's primarily known for developing the art style known as Cubism.
John: "What's the matter? You not hungry? Red Rover, Red Rover, send Cujo right over."
Red Rover is a children's game, in which one side chants "Red Rover, Red Rover, send _____ right over." The named person on the other team then has to break through the barrier formed by the first team.
Cujo is the rabid St. Bernard from the 1981 Stephen King novel -- and its 1983 film version. In the time since the novel's publication, "Cujo" has become virtually a generic name for any mad dog.
John: "All right...here's the deal. We're gonna be really, really quiet so the Pirates of the Caribbean don't hear us. Okay?"
One of the better known of the amusement park rides found at Disneyland, the Pirates of the Caribbean is obviously based on the long history of piracy in the Caribbean Sea.
John moving about in the muck, with just his eyes (and above) remaining unsubmerged is a visual reference to the finale of Francis Ford Coppola's 1979 film, APOCALYPSE NOW in which Captain Willard (Martin Sheen) slips through the water in the same manner while on his way to terminate Colonel Kurtz (Marlon Brando).

Sacrifice (What Was Lost 1)
One figure that John sees, first on a wall of the dig, and later on a child's tile, is similar to the Egyptian heiroglyph referred to as the Eye of Horus.
John: "Damn! The Creature from the Black Lagoon, sorta."
John likens Oo-nii to the eponymous character of the classic 1954 monster movie and its two sequels: 1955's REVENGE OF THE CREATURE and 1956's THE CREATURE WALKS AMONG US.

Resurrection (What Was Lost 2)
John: "Well, let me tell you, I do *not* get back in the saddle with Mata Hari until I get the whole plan."
Mata Hari was the [in]famous female double agent, working for both the French and Germans during World War I. Born Margaretha Geertruida Zelle in Holland in 1876 and executed in 1917, she's generally known for using sex as a means of getting information.
Grayza: "I let you walk unguarded, and you repay me by trying to escape."
John: "I'm not Steve McQueen. I wasn't trying to escape."
In the 1963 film THE GREAT ESCAPE, Steve McQueen starred as Captain Virgil Hilts, dubbed "the Cooler King" from all the time he spends in solitary confinement because of his repeated escape attempts from a German POW camp.
John: "Bad news from Smithers?"
John likens Braca to Waylon Smithers, the sycophantic toadie of Montgomery Burns, Homer's boss in Matt Groening's animated series THE SIMPSONS.
As Crichton digs the hole for Scorpius's grave, he asks Grayza: "Is that enough dirt outta your hole, Boss?"
Clearly a nod to the scene in the 1967 film COOL HAND LUKE, in which Luke (Paul Newman) is forced to dig a hole, fill it back in, and dig it out again:
Boss Paul: "That ditch is Boss Kean's ditch. And I told him that dirt in it's your dirt. What's your dirt doin' in his ditch?"
Luke: "I don't know, Boss."
Boss Paul: "You better get in there and get it out, boy."
(It should be noted that Crichton's quote "I got my mind right, Boss. Be nice." in the first season episode "Nerve" comes from the end of this same scene in COOL HAND LUKE.)
John: "Couldn't do it the old-fashioned way, could you? Six-pack of beer...night of bowling...skinny-dipping. Unh-uh. I hear you been puttin' some junk on the ball."
Grayza: "Untie me."
John: "A little monkey...a little Gaylord Perry...a little Joe...Neikro..."
Gaylord Perry and Joe Neikro were both pitchers known for their...ah...of-dubious-legitimacy throws. According to the Baseball Library's entry for Perry:
"Perry was constantly accused of throwing a spitball, a charge he felt gave him an edge against batters. He titled his autobiography Me and the Spitter. He fidgeted constantly on the mound, touching his face, glove, uniform, and the bill of his cap before delivering the ball. Umpires nearly undressed him looking for jelly, grease, or Vaseline, and he inspired new rules in 1973 about throwing the spitter."
And the entry for Joe Neikro at the same site mentions his being notable for his knuckleball.
John: "You are the most powerful handgun in the Uncharted Territories. Now, I don't know if you fired 500 shots or 600...600. Empty. Damn you. Winona would never do this, because Winona is very reliable."
A second paraphrase (see annotations for "Won't Get Fooled Again") of Harry Callahan's (Clint Eastwood') famous speech in DIRTY HARRY as he holds a felon at gunpoint:
"I know what you're thinking. Did he fire six shots or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?"
John: "Granny...Gran...we're going probe hunting. Sorry to interrupt the party, Black Lagoon, but you have to go now."
Another reference to Oo-nii as the Gill-Man from THE CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON (see Part 1).

Lava's A Many Splendored Thing
The title is a play on the title of Henry King's 1955 film LOVE IS A MANY-SPLENDORED THING, which is itself based on a book, A MANY-SPLENDORED THING, by Han Suyin.
John: "What's that?"
Noranti: "Jilnak. Very good for you."
John: "Give it to Mikey there, he'll eat anything."
Rygel: "Oh. More?"
John: "Hey, what do you know? Mikey likes it."
One of the most fondly remembered TV commercials of all time was for Life Cereal, in which Mikey, a young boy who hated everything, was shown to actually like Life.
John: "Buckwheat, I thought you came down here to drop some friends off at the pool."
A euphemistic expression for using the toilet.
John: "Bad news."
D'Argo: "Trouble."
John: "Somebody's doin' the Pompei thing. Let's go."
Pompeii was an ancient city in Italy, best known for having been buried under ashes from the volcanic eruption of Mt Vesuvius in 63 A.D.
John [over comm to Rygel]: "All right, we'll come get ya."
Raa'Keel [over Rygel's comm]: "Who's this?"
John: "Lou Costello. Who's this?"
Raa'Keel: "My name's...Raa'Keel."
Lou Costello was the shorter, member of the comedy team of [Bud] Abbott & [Lou] Costello, who've been referred to by John in several previous episodes. Probably his second favorite comedy team, after (of course) the Three Stooges.
Another reference to Abbott & Costello is made later in the episode.
John: "Absolutely, that thing you guys did on Calimari, that was beautiful, man. That was Nobel Peace Prize material."
"Calamari" is John's "Crichtonism" for the planet Cavari, which Noranti had earlier babbled about as a site of one of the Tarkans' most notable altruistic efforts. Calamari (from the Italian) is squid prepared as a dish.
The Nobel Peace Prize is one of several awards given out each year, starting in 1901, from a trust fund established by Alfred Nobel, a chemist whose other notable achievement was the invention of dynamite. The annual Nobel Prizes are awarded for the fields of chemistry, physics, medicine, literature, and peace.
Noranti: "Now can we go and talk to the Tarkans?"
John: "There is no 'we', White Girl."
A reference to an old joke:
The Lone Ranger and Tonto are riding along when they spot a cloud of dust on the horizon. Tonto scouts ahead, then comes back to report: "Kimosabe, war party of 500 Apache on horses chase us - will catch us in five minutes. No way to outrun or hide." The Lone Ranger says, "Well, Tonto, old friend, what do we do now?" to which his Faithful Indian Companion replies, "What you mean 'we', White Man?"
John: "Sur-prise, sur-prise, sur-prise!"
A catch-phrase of Gomer Pyle, of THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW, played by Jim Nabors. Gomer later joined the Marines and got his own spin-off show, GOMER PYLE, USMC.
John [to Raa'Keel]: "Okay, here's the deal, Tin Man. You can't hurt us, we can't hurt you. You've got our whoopie cushion, we've got Larry and Moe here. What do you say to a simple trade?"
Three references for the price of one.
The "Tin Man" is one of Dorothy's travelling companions in THE WIZARD OF OZ.
A whoopie cushion is a practical joke item: when the unsuspecting victim sits on it, it produces a farting noise. Given Rygel's flatulant habits, the metaphor speaks for itself.
Larry [Fine] and Moe [Howard] are two members of John's favorite comedy team, the Three Stooges (http://www.threestooges.com/).
John [to one of Raa'Keel's henchmen]: "Mr. Redshirt, whatever the Tin Man's paying you, we'll double it."
Yet Another Star Trek Reference. "Redshirt" is a term given by Star Trek fans to those ubiquitous members of the Enterprise's security teams, who always wore red tunics, and always got killed by the Evil Aliens of the Week. Therefore, a "redshirt" is someone with -- to quote Buffy the Vampire Slayer -- "the life expectancy of a Spinal Tap drummer".
John: "Can I get a 'Hell, yeah'?"
A repeat (see the annotations for "Season of Death") of the signature line of professional wrestler "Stone Cold Steve Austin".


Natural Election

John Quixote

I Shrink Therefore I Am

A Prefect Murder

Coup By Clam

Unrealized Reality


Terra Firma

Twice Shy

Mental As Anything

Bringing Home The Beacon

A Constellation of Doubt


Fetal Attraction (We're So Screwed 1)

Hot to Katratzi (We're So Screwed 2)

La Bomba (We're So Screwed 3)

Bad Timing
Miniseries: Peacekeeper Wars
Miniseries part 1:
The Peacekeeper Wars (1)

Miniseries part 2:
The Peacekeeper Wars (2)
