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Chat: Ben Browder & Claudia Black

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Chat: Ben Browder & Claudia Black

Subject(s): Ben Browder & Claudia Black, Farscape Actors
Dated: April 20, 2004
Source: SciFi.com


*** ChatMod has set the channel mode to "moderated"
ChatMod: Ah... Silence is golden
ChatMod: I'll explain how to ask questions once we start

*** Barbarella has voiced Black†Tee
*** Barbarella has voiced CHICKWITHGUN

Black†Tee: ahhhh
Black†Tee: look ma... I can talk

ChatMod: We'll start in a minute folks
ChatMod: Ben can you type?

Black†Tee: Don't suppose chickwithgun can do a little singing for us?

ChickWithGun: ben can you shoosh now?

ChatMod: Hi everybody, thanks for joining us. I'm Ben Trumble for SCIFI. Tonight we're pleased to be chatting with actors Ben Browder and Claudia Black about SCIFI's original mini-series Farscape Peacekeeper War, coming later this year.

Black†Tee: Yes Mam

ChatMod: Brief word about the drill. This is a moderated chat -- please send your questions for our guests to ChatQ, as private messages. One question per person please. (To send a private message, either double-click on ChatMod or type "/msg ChatMod" on the command line - only without the quotes.)...Then hit Enter (or Return on a Mac.)

ChickWithGun: hi everyone

ChatMod: Well. We zillion of Q's... so lets begin

Black†Tee: Wow... de... ja... vu...
Black†Tee: lets do it

ChatMod: <Trip> to <ChatQ>: Hi Ben and Claudia! How does it feel to be back working on Farscape again?

ChickWithGun: It was very gruelling
ChickWithGun: but really fun to see everyone

Black†Tee: It was outstanding to be back
Black†Tee: But very surreal
Black†Tee: A massive family reunion

ChickWithGun: Surreal, but nice, as they say in "notting hill"

Black†Tee: very nice

ChatMod: <Ryalin> to <ChatQ>: Thanks so much for being here. How do you feel about the steady growth of reality tv worldwide and the decline of scripted television, particularly in the sci-fi/fantasy genre? Do you think we've seen the end of this kind of format, or do you think people will get a clue one of these days and realize that they're watching garbage?

ChickWithGun: Ben , i think you are done answering that one...
ChickWithGun: tee hee
ChickWithGun: I think numbers are dropping off gradually ratings wise on reality shows but everything has cycles of popularity

Black†Tee: With reality TV they are not really watching reality
Black†Tee: anytime a camera is pointed it takes a pov... point of view
Black†Tee: Quiz shows ruled the 1950's
Black†Tee: Reality TV rules today
Black†Tee: perhaps the next cycle of TV will be Westerns
Black†Tee: or Fan scripted TV???

ChickWithGun: I have to admit that I watch survivor and I love rupert
ChickWithGun: Claudia blushes

ChatMod: Necro`> to <ChatQ>: Do either of you feel as if you have been typecast because of your work in Farscape, or do you feel it's only propelled your career's forward into new arena's that weren't open to you before?

ChickWithGun: I have no idea what Fascape will or won't do for my career, only time will tell

Black†Tee: I haven't been cast enough outside of Farscape to know what my type is.
Black†Tee: Let's come back to that question in 10 years.

ChickWithGun: yeah when they are doing " Farscape.. where are they now???"

ChatMod: DoctorWho> to <ChatQ>: Ben, Claudia thank you very much for taking the time to join us. How did the two of you react when you were contacted about reprising your roles for the upcoming mini-series?

Black†Tee: I refused to believe it
Black†Tee: I'm still not sure I believe it

ChickWithGun: I didn't believe it either. I thought it would take too long and we would be in zimmerframes

Black†Tee: Isn't Farscape that show that died off quietly?
Black†Tee: I mean... Far... what?

ChickWithGun: fire-escape

Black†Tee: It's a miracle.
Black†Tee: And we owe a whole bunch of people.... big time
Black†Tee: I think you know who you are.

ChatMod: <Scaper1> to <ChatQ>: Ben & Claudia: At what stage of the Mini are you working on?

Black†Tee: Post production

ChickWithGun: The part where Claudia gets to work on her sun tan"

Black†Tee: Still haven't done the additional dialogue
Black†Tee: Claude... you have a tan????
Black†Tee: I wanna see.

ChickWithGun: They are in early post production at the moment
ChickWithGun: shut up

Black†Tee: no you shuddup

ChickWithGun: I wanna watch you surf
ChickWithGun: you should do a surfing "how to" video ben

Black†Tee: do they still have the naked surf contest at Bondi?

ChickWithGun: Yes, you did it remember and they called you the bondi yeti

Black†Tee: Okay... you win

ChickWithGun: It 's ok ben, it's only us in a room with four hundred other people, i feel i can say this stuff

Black†Tee: we're in post...

ChickWithGun: Booyacasha

ChatMod: <skchwojko> to <ChatQ>: What did you enjoy/dislike about playing Aeryn as a new mother?

Black†Tee: Aeryn's a mamma?

ChickWithGun: Always needing to pee
ChickWithGun: Yeah. It's time for Palimony

Black†Tee: Cept... who's the daddy?

ChickWithGun: I didn't like it much because Aeryn hated it.... it's in her way of contributing to the ship

Black†Tee: They feed babies to moya for fuel
Black†Tee: Finally we find out her power source
Black†Tee: Farscape tech at it's best

ChickWithGun: Deep down she hated it, it wasn't really in the script but that's what andrew prowse and thought
ChickWithGun: and I thought. oops.

ChatMod: <DoctorWho> to <ChatQ>: Did the two of you find it difficult to step back into characters you said good bye to almost two years ago? If so, what aspect did you find the most challenging?

Black†Tee: They difficulty was in accepting that time had passed...

ChickWithGun: Stepping back into a costume that might not have fit
ChickWithGun: and we were older...
ChickWithGun: and slower
ChickWithGun: and un-used to early starts
ChickWithGun: and going out to Homebush

Black†Tee: It seemed like the year away never really happened.
Black†Tee: Everything was the same... But DIFFERENT>

ChickWithGun: It was quite surreal going back and seeing the sets in different sheds... i got very discombobulated
ChickWithGun: same same, but different as they say in thai restaurants

Black†Tee: Yeah... and the sets had moved around

ChickWithGun: I could never find the lunch room
ChickWithGun: and y'all know how important lunch is to me

Black†Tee: But the maure factory next door was the same
Black†Tee: Manure
Black†Tee: even

ChickWithGun: I found that Aeryn did not do the things she normally does because she was slowed down by the pregancy
ChickWithGun: oh, my the smell was BAD

ChatMod: <Accido> to <ChatQ>: Now that you know how it ends, are you happy with the closure the mini-series is supposed to be bringing to the farscape story?

ChickWithGun: but farscape is the show that never ends

Black†Tee: I think there is a "To be Continued"
Black†Tee: at the end

ChickWithGun: and it goes on and on my friends

Black†Tee: like that beer song

ChickWithGun: do a beer... a mexican beeer
ChickWithGun: ray....
ChickWithGun: a guy that buys me beer

Black†Tee: I knew we'd get her to sing

ChickWithGun: me a guy, i buy beer for..
ChickWithGun: LOL

Black†Tee: ga

ChickWithGun: fa..... a long way to the baaaaarr
ChickWithGun: soooooooo
ChickWithGun: i'll have another beeeeeer
ChickWithGun: la...lalalalalalallalalalllala
ChickWithGun: tea
ChickWithGun: no thanks, i'll have a beer

Black†Tee: GA

ChickWithGun: and that brings us back to ....
ChickWithGun: dododododododododo
ChickWithGun: GA

Black†Tee: PLEASE

ChatMod: <Trip> to <ChatQ>: How long did it take you to film the mini-series?

ChickWithGun: Go surf naked or somethin'

Black†Tee: with you?

ChickWithGun: three months, was it?
ChickWithGun: that
ChickWithGun: is quite pervy

Black†Tee: Tan lines and all
Black†Tee: 3
Black†Tee: months

ChickWithGun: calm down yeti

Black†Tee: fur is a natural sunscreen ya know

ChickWithGun: three months of me and Ben picking on each other

Black†Tee: three months of her being cruel and unusual

ChickWithGun: what-e-ver

Black†Tee: it was TORTURE

ChickWithGun: I am normal
ChickWithGun: very normal
ChickWithGun: yeah, torture.. .ben couldn't remember his lines...EVER
ChickWithGun: just kidding

ChatMod: <guido> to <ChatQ>: Claudia, you said something at Burbank about what you gave up to work on the "unnamed" project. Is that anything you can share with us yet? No is an acceptable answer if you can't.

ChickWithGun: No
ChickWithGun: a lot of people made a lot of personal sacrifices
ChickWithGun: so mine is one among many

ChatMod: <GutPageant> to <ChatQ>: Speaking of pervy-- am I right that the actor who played Aeryn's made-up lover Lechna is the same guy who played her Scarren torturer Jenek? Very Farscape, that.

ChickWithGun: did any one know that? is it in the credits?

Black†Tee: yes... it's true

ChickWithGun: well spotted\

ChatMod: <Otaku-Smeghead> to <ChatQ>: I had a question for Ben and Claudia will the Cast make an apperance in San Deigo like last year?? and thanks for Showing up Last year =)

ChickWithGun: If i am asked and in town. I would love to.

Black†Tee: No plans at the moment past getting the Miniseries finished
Black†Tee: hopefully that will be mostly done in June... Junish?
Black†Tee: Ask Brian on thursday.

ChatMod: <AlmostOutOfFuel> to <ChatQ>: David Kemper and Rockne O'Bannon often referred to how, from the beginning, they had specific ideas for how the show would end. Does the mini take us that far (to their original goal), or is this an intermediate ending?

ChickWithGun: kinda close.


ChickWithGun: david talks like a jazz muso jams.... so some things he says, he's thinking out loud

Black†Tee: We don't need no stinkin ending

ChickWithGun: but this is close to how i remember him saying he wanted to do it

Black†Tee: This is the song that never ends

ChickWithGun: do a beer....

Black†Tee: see?

ChickWithGun: franchise is the word of the new media millenium... things will never end the way they used to

ChatMod: <CaptainKirk> to <ChatQ>: Hi. What sort of emotions do your characters go through during the mini-series? Will there be tears?

Black†Tee: Yes
Black†Tee: many tears

ChickWithGun: never... soldiers never cry

Black†Tee: mostly from the fans

ChickWithGun: ben crys like a big fat girl
ChickWithGun: but a cute hairy one

Black†Tee: I take that as a compliment
Black†Tee: there were and will be tears

ChickWithGun: what was that mollusc ep called?
ChickWithGun: you got more wolf whistles than me

ChatMod: <Oziscifif> to <ChatQ>: Are there special effects on par with the destruction of the Dreadnaught (sp?) in the mini?

Black†Tee: Haven't seen the CGI
Black†Tee: Expect there to be more

ChickWithGun: you mean, do we blow as much s%^& up?

Black†Tee: and bigger
Black†Tee: We blowed up the entire galaxy

ChickWithGun: it was pretty high production values they were aiming for

Black†Tee: Nothing left behind
Black†Tee: no expense spared

ChickWithGun: but no fireworks on wrap this year. :( that's my favourite.

Black†Tee: Truly... it was big on the explosive front
Black†Tee: the sfx guys actually ran out
Black†Tee: of hits
Black†Tee: and had to import more from America

ChickWithGun: No they just had to go and do mardi gras

Black†Tee: Australia ran OUT of PYRO HITS!
Black†Tee: True.

ChatMod: <skchwojko> to <ChatQ>: Do you think Baby Sun looks more like Claudia or Ben?

Black†Tee: Rygel

ChickWithGun: ah.. .that's a sensitive subject

Black†Tee: Who kinda looks like Yoda

ChickWithGun: the equivalent of mail man in space looks like what?

Black†Tee: Who kinda looks like Frank Oz

ChickWithGun: or milk man

Black†Tee: Damn Henson Company

ChickWithGun: who looks like the next actor they'll bring in for farscape with the next gen

Black†Tee: But if we had a baby... it would be CUTE!!!
Black†Tee: But Hairy

ChickWithGun: yeah... but..
ChickWithGun: took the words right out of my mouth

Black†Tee: LOL

ChickWithGun: but i know a great beautician

Black†Tee: Ouch

ChatMod: <RedKarma> to <ChatQ>: What season posed the most difficult challenges for your characters?

Black†Tee: ALL of THEM

ChickWithGun: i loved season three the most because aeryn had so many great story twists.

Black†Tee: I LOVED season three cause... well

ChickWithGun: I felt i was being challenged in all the right ways

Black†Tee: you know

ChickWithGun: cause of all the kissin'
ChickWithGun: ?

Black†Tee: yeah

ChickWithGun: ahhhhh

Black†Tee: blowin up things and kissin

ChickWithGun: season three
ChickWithGun: yeah and that day on the dune buggies

Black†Tee: that's why I like going to work

ChickWithGun: that was soooooo cooool

Black†Tee: and the kissin

ChickWithGun: yeah, blowin stuff up

Black†Tee: that's what we call Drahma

ChickWithGun: gen x is such a sex/death culture isn't it?

Black†Tee: guns and rose
Black†Tee: s
Black†Tee: hmmmmm

ChickWithGun: jeez is that your taste in music?

Black†Tee: but hey... it worked for shakespeare

ChickWithGun: i thought you were too old for that?

Black†Tee: funny... old wench

ChickWithGun: i don't remember axel rose in merchant of venice
ChickWithGun: did you really train as an actor?

Black†Tee: he played lorenzo
Black†Tee: wasn't very good

ChickWithGun: he didn't need a wig neither

Black†Tee: NEXT...

ChatMod: <RoguePlanet1> to <ChatQ>: So, any plans to continue the story in further miniseries? Any other "Farscape" projects sitting on the far horizon? (Pun intentional.)

Black†Tee: Brian mentioned something with the F word

ChickWithGun: ask the puppet master, brian

Black†Tee: ASK
Black†Tee: and then tell us
Black†Tee: we're looking for things to blow up

ChickWithGun: yeah, i am sure you guys out there will be making it happen

Black†Tee: they made me kiss HER!!!

ChatMod: <AxezCore> to <ChatQ>: Hi Ben and Claudia, you guys are kinda like UFO's... various sightings of you regularly occurs on the net, but with no apparent evidence. Do you lurk at various websites or even post under pseudonyms?

Black†Tee: I have 5000 pseudonyms... I used them all at save Farscape
Black†Tee: I also am currently using 300 nicks
Black†Tee: in chat

ChickWithGun: I have a rule in my household which came from my mum.... people before machines.... so less time watching telly and surfing online, more time face to face with people

Black†Tee: ANYTHING to work with Claudia Black
Black†Tee: More time surfing naked
Black†Tee: you mean

ChickWithGun: and waxing apts

Black†Tee: ouch

ChatMod: <rx-queen> to <ChatQ>: Who would win 12 rounds of bare-knuckle boxing? Braca or Crais? btw, Ben, you're hot : )

Black†Tee: hmmmm

ChickWithGun: just thought youd slip that in, hey rx-queen.
ChickWithGun: ?

Black†Tee: Crais is Dead
Black†Tee: Hard to whup a dead man

ChickWithGun: Braca doesn't fight with his knuckles

Black†Tee: He doesn't fight bare
Black†Tee: Or does he?

ChickWithGun: btw, ben, you're hot
ChickWithGun: just slipped it in

Black†Tee: Wench

ChickWithGun: tee hee
ChickWithGun: bint

Black†Tee: Crais wins

ChickWithGun: me, i mean

ChatMod: <ChaoticDreamer> to <ChatQ>: Hi Ben and Claudia: If you could play any role on stage- which would you pick?

ChickWithGun: one that pays

Black†Tee: lots
Black†Tee: Dunno...

ChickWithGun: one with ben
ChickWithGun: ahhhhh

Black†Tee: Okay... yeah
Black†Tee: We should do who's afraid of Virginia wolf

ChickWithGun: I would be nervous about getting back on stage, but i would love the challenge of agood shakespeare
ChickWithGun: with axel rose
ChickWithGun: yeah.
ChickWithGun: fun

Black†Tee: he rocks
Black†Tee: anything with Claudia

ChatMod: <Oziscifif> to <ChatQ>: What's the most embarassing thing the other has done on set?

ChickWithGun: well we all know mine
ChickWithGun: ben feel free to remind them if you dare
ChickWithGun: i told EVERYBODY at the con
ChickWithGun: ben is never wrong

Black†Tee: You told them about the fart?

ChickWithGun: ya
ChickWithGun: the loud one, just after i danced around
ChickWithGun: ay

Black†Tee: never happened... it's a lie

ChickWithGun: ya
ChickWithGun: that one
ChickWithGun: oops

Black†Tee: you never fart

ChickWithGun: ya,,,, it never happened

Black†Tee: you told me so

ChickWithGun: we are done here
ChickWithGun: i am being nice and saying nothing abouty you

Black†Tee: Many things I do on set are embarrassing

ChickWithGun: like what?
ChickWithGun: act?

Black†Tee: But I'm blessed with selective memory

ChickWithGun: tee hee
ChickWithGun: i love you

Black†Tee: back atchya

ChatMod: <Joff> to <ChatQ>: So assuming you guys get re intergrated early on in the mini, Who ends up carrying the baby???

Black†Tee: Crais
Black†Tee: Crais gets the Baby
Black†Tee: wait...
Black†Tee: Moya's baby
Black†Tee: right?

ChickWithGun: there is no baby
ChickWithGun: that was a jedi mind trick

Black†Tee: Sorry...
Black†Tee: there is no baby
Black†Tee: move along

ChatMod: <skchwojko> to <ChatQ>: I just wanted to thank you for the great care and respect you showed in your performance in "The Choice". It was magnificent and helped me learn how to say good-bye to a baby I lost a couple of cycles ago and move on, but never forget, as well. Thank you and God Bless You!! WAS THAT THE MOST DIFFICULT EPISODE YOU HAD TO DO?

ChickWithGun: It was fulfilling. was it the hardest for you to watch? you are very brave.

Black†Tee: Claudia was fairly magnificent in the Choice
Black†Tee: ...

ChickWithGun: a lot of people say the same about the choice. it was my version of grief up there. i drew on personal experience so i am glad it translated and had resonance for others. thank you for what you said.and i am so sorry for what you went through. may you be blessed with a joyous life

ChatMod: <KOBA-TV> to <ChatQ>: Ben, does Fran reprise her role as Akhna? Say hello to her for us! She's part of the Farscape family, too!

Black†Tee: Francesca is of course in the Mini
Black†Tee: I'll say hi
Black†Tee: No farscape would be complete with her getting a chance to bust my chops

ChatMod: no other reason :)

ChickWithGun: sorry that last answer tracks as though i agree that i am fairly magnificent. it was a response to previous question

ChatMod: <GutPageant> to <ChatQ>: Has there been any involvement in the mini by some of our Farscape favorites-- Monjo, Manning, Prowse, Woods. Tilse, etc.?

Black†Tee: You do agree
Black†Tee: Jedi mind trick

ChickWithGun: i do agree with what?
ChickWithGun: that i am magnificent?

Black†Tee: You are Magnificent
Black†Tee: yes?

ChickWithGun: like the soccer song, there can be only one... directore

Black†Tee: Prowsie was around quite a bit
Black†Tee: shooting second unit
Black†Tee: He also produced on this one.
Black†Tee: I really CAN'T imagine Farscape without Andrew Prowse
Black†Tee: The others we missed
Black†Tee: But until they invent the multi-director mini
Black†Tee: we'll just have to settle for season FIVE.

ChatMod: Just to let people know, we're into the last five minutes. We've been lucky holding the server togather under a load of about 800 ppl. Thanks to Barbarella for that. We can't push our luck too far... So... Three more questions then we open the floors
ChatMod: <samati75> to <ChatQ>: Ben have you been writing (screenplays, etc) lately?

Black†Tee: Am working with a group of folks on a screenplay at the moment
Black†Tee: News....
Black†Tee: Claudia has been locked out of chat

Barbarella: one second
*** Barbarella has removed the "limit" channel mode
Barbarella: now she should be able to come back in
Barbarella: unless she lagged off

Black†Tee: See's tying

Barbarella: ok hang on

Black†Tee: tring
Black†Tee: trying
Black†Tee: while we wait for Claudia..
Black†Tee: oh... she's back
Black†Tee: well done Barb

ChatMod: Claudia can you type?

Black†Tee: So... where were we...?

Barbarella: looking just one sec large list

Black†Tee: Screenplay?

*** Barbarella has voiced CHICKWITHGUN

Black†Tee: Yes.

ChickWithGun: i am here...
ChickWithGun: anyone out there

Barbarella: yes

ChickWithGun: yay.
ChickWithGun: i got lost for a minute

Black†Tee: hellooooo

ChatMod: <imloco2> to <ChatQ>: Are they saving the sets this time?

ChickWithGun: i saved a piece of set

Black†Tee: Dunno
Black†Tee: Oh... Claudia has the sets

ChickWithGun: yeah... all of them
ChickWithGun: i got my prowler too

Black†Tee: we'll be doing a Farscape play over at her house

ChickWithGun: i drive around in it
ChickWithGun: funny

Black†Tee: anyone wants to watch.... it's a musical

ChickWithGun: you can play aeryn this time
ChickWithGun: this is the show that nver ends

Black†Tee: about beer.

ChickWithGun: toot toot i'm in my prowler

ChatMod: <DRD1812> to <ChatQ>: "Did the other Farscape directors, like Tilse and Woods, consult with Henson on the direction of the mini?

Black†Tee: Not that I know of
Black†Tee: But Brian may have secretly been channeling some of them

ChickWithGun: woodsie is now being fancy pants and doing a film with kate blanchett
ChickWithGun: cate

Black†Tee: Yeah... WOodsie is Bigtime
Black†Tee: Reckon he'll give us Job, C?

ChickWithGun: so is tilse... very very busy

Black†Tee: Or he can play Zaahn in our Musical?

ChickWithGun: hey back
ChickWithGun: yeah

ChatMod: Claudia and Ben -- thanks for joining us. Any comments before let you go?

Black†Tee: Uh...

ChickWithGun: um..............
ChickWithGun: read

Black†Tee: That's it?

ChickWithGun: "dude where'smy country by michael moore

Black†Tee: Yes of course we have comments.
Black†Tee: First... I have to thank a whole bucket of folks for providing me with work!
Black†Tee: Claudia left again?

ChatMod: Claudia's connection seems to have dropped again

Black†Tee: And I can thank those folks for Claudia as well.
Black†Tee: It is a priviledge for us to be working for you all.
Black†Tee: Thank you
Black†Tee: Thank you
Black†Tee: Thank You!
Black†Tee: Ah... hell... I'm just gonna get sentimental... these chats become like therapy.
Black†Tee: Just open up the server and unleash the hounds of chat!
Black†Tee: Thanks Ya'll

ChatMod: Ben. Thanks again for joining us. I certainly hope we'll talk again soon