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Chat: Virginia Hey

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Chat: Virginia Hey

Subject(s): Virginia Hey, Farscape Actor
Dated: August 19, 1999
Source: SciFi.com


Moderator: Welcome to tonights chat with Virginia Hey. We all know her as the esquisite Delvian Priestess 'Zhann' on Fascape.

VirginiaHey: Hello everyone. I'm sending a big kiss to you all. I'm so excited to have a chance to speak with you today. Before we get started I wanted to say hi to a list of special friends:
VirginiaHey: JaneGael, Ceallig, Dwal, Drumhellor, Eyeonastorm, Quiet, Opus and DrTeeth...
VirginiaHey: PauLiam, Shailud, Fauccone, Traci, Babaluie!
VirginiaHey: and a very special hello to my father, Eric. I love you.

Moderator: <Enigma> to <Moderator>: Virginia, when did you start acting?

VirginiaHey: I started acting in 1982. I did a film called Mad Max: The Road Warriror, with Mel Gibson.
VirginiaHey: That was my first official acting job.
VirginiaHey: However, prior to that I had been in 56 television commercials, so I had some sense of the camera.
VirginiaHey: If you'd like to find out more information about my past history, I have a very special suprise for you all.
VirginiaHey: I'm launching my website today.
VirginiaHey: Please feel free to go and have a look.
VirginiaHey: www.virginia-hey.com

Moderator: <slidecat> to <Moderator>: What is it like playing on one of the greatest show's on the air? (IMHO)

VirginiaHey: It's a dream come true.
VirginiaHey: I'm absolutely in love with Farscape, and with my character, Zhaan.,
VirginiaHey: If I had a 1000 lives to attain perfection, I would be aiming to be like Zhaan the Priest.
VirginiaHey: This is a dream come true for me.

Moderator: <ChaoticDreamer> to <Moderator>: What would you say has been the most challenging aspect of Zhaan's character

VirginiaHey: The most challenging aspect by far has been to portray the conflict between the dark side and her struggle to stay in the light.

Moderator: <truthseekr> to <Moderator>: Which part of Zhann's character do most easily identify with?

VirginiaHey: I think the spiritual side of Zhaan. I find the depths and dimensions in Zhaan fascinating, but personally -- as Virginia -- I can relate to her more spiritual aspects.

Moderator: <slidecat> to <Moderator>: What is it like off set with the rest cast and crew?

VirginiaHey: It's a very happy team, and everyone who works on Farscape is extremely dedicated, and very focused in on making the show the greatest it can be.

Moderator: <A1ZHAAN> to <Moderator>: Virginia , what do you think of your characters popularity?

VirginiaHey: That's a difficult question for me to answer because I'm so far removed from Farscape friends' response here in Australia. It's not on TV here as yet.
VirginiaHey: So it's a rather surreal feeling knowing that there are so many people in another country who adore the character.
VirginiaHey: But it warms my heart, it's a really lovely feeling.

Moderator: <Farscape1> to <Moderator>: Did you think that when you began Farscape, it would be as popular as it is now?

VirginiaHey: We all hoped it would be this popular, but we could never have dreamed that it could've shot through the roof the way it has.
VirginiaHey: This is a dream come true for EVERYBODY who has ever had anything to do with the show.

Moderator: <playborg> to <Moderator>: Are you and have you always been a sci fi fan? any favorites?

VirginiaHey: Yes, I've always been a sci-fi fan. By far, my favorite science fiction film has got to be the old classic 2001: A Space Odyssey.
VirginiaHey: Star Trek, of course.
VirginiaHey: And one of my all time favorites, bordering on the edge of science fiction, was the old classic 60s TV show The Prisoner.

Moderator: <Cassiel> to <Moderator>: How important is the Farscape BBoard & newsgroups for getting feedback on shows...characters...etc?

VirginiaHey: It's absolutely crucial for me, as it is the only place where I can see and read the thoughts of all of our Farscape friends.
VirginiaHey: It's my lifeline and I'd be lost without it.

Moderator: <Bladerunner> to <Moderator>: How did you come about being on Farscape?

VirginiaHey: My agent contacted me at the beginning of last year and told me that there was a show starting to cast for characters, it was an new show called:
VirginiaHey: "Spacechase."
VirginiaHey: And a character called Zenn who was a highly spiritual, very strong alien priest.
VirginiaHey: The second I read that, I jumped out of my skin and begged my agent to get me an audition.
VirginiaHey: Six months of auditioning later my dream came true -- I got the part.
VirginiaHey: And Zenn became Zhaan, and Spacechase became Farscape.

Moderator: <Gmmas> to <Moderator>: Virginia - Your appearance as Zhaan is beautiful, but we always wonder does it irritate your skin? Please tell us more about your makeup.

VirginiaHey: We do all that we can to prevent any adverse reactions to my skin and body due to the paint.
VirginiaHey: Rest is crucial for me to recharge my body and enable it to process any toxins.
VirginiaHey: The makeup takes 3 hours every morning to apply and 1 hour to remove at night.
VirginiaHey: The base of the makup is latex plastic which prevents my skin from breathing where it is applied.
VirginiaHey: But with adequate rest and lots of water, I can help to keep my skin flushed and clean, and my body free from harm.

Moderator: <Jenimer> to <Moderator>: I heard you had to shave your head for the part of Zhaan, I was wondering what your family and friend's initial reaction was, and how you feel about it now?

VirginiaHey: (laughs)
VirginiaHey: Not very many people have seen me in my "raw" state.
VirginiaHey: ha ha ha.
VirginiaHey: My family raised their eyebrows. They're used to me shocking them. Not very many of my friends have seen me due to my crazy work schedule.
VirginiaHey: But I'm sure that they will not be shocked.

Moderator: <D`Argo> to <Moderator>: Virginia.... what does it feel like to interact with the puppets on a daily bassis????

VirginiaHey: (laughs)
VirginiaHey: I'm so used to working with Rygel and Pilot now that I see them as I do the other actors.
VirginiaHey: At times it can be difficult., when the puppet is off-camera, because the operators cannot see what the puppet's face is doing.
VirginiaHey: So sometimes I have to act to a puppet's face that is not animated at all.
VirginiaHey: And that can be a little bit bizaare.
VirginiaHey: John and Sean and all the Rygel and Pilot team did such an exquisit job, I just love them all.

Moderator: <RichardVaughan> to <Moderator>: My question is. Is Chiana a new cast member?

VirginiaHey: Yes, she's a new character and she's an absolute delight to work with. I'm not going to give away much more -- you'll just have to wait and see what her participation is.

Moderator: <Myrl> to <Moderator>: have any of you ever hazed Ben for being the only american in the group.

VirginiaHey: No, we would never do that. We love Ben, and we love the fact that he's from America. But I must admit that Anthony and Ben do send each other up constantly, they're very very close friends and they're like a comedy duo. Very funny to watch.

Moderator: <dude-number-1> to <Moderator>: the character zhaan has been explored more in depth, it seems, than most of the other cast members, what parts of zhaan came from your input and will we find out more about her?

VirginiaHey: The writers and the actors spend a lot of time discussing the characters.
VirginiaHey: We all work together as a team. There are lots of fantastic new aspects of Zhaan coming up...but I have to keep them under my hat at the moment!

Moderator: <AerynFan> to <Moderator>: Does a FarScape "Bloopers" tape exist?

VirginiaHey: Yes it does.
VirginiaHey: And no, you're not going to see it!
VirginiaHey: LOL

Moderator: <venomsoup> to <Moderator>: are you doing any other projects other than farscape?

VirginiaHey: Not at the moment. There's not any time. But when I come back from holidays in 2 weeks time, I might throw myself into a quick project.
VirginiaHey: I'll let you know.

Moderator: <UniCoastie> to <Moderator>: Is the show a lot different now from when it was first conceived? Besides the name changes?

VirginiaHey: No, the show is not different as such. The show has evolved the same way a child would grow through adolescence into adulthood.
VirginiaHey: But the essence is the same.

Moderator: <Solanio> to <Moderator>: Given that you'd played Zhaan as being compassionate and spiritual heretofore - was the darker aspects in DNA Mad Scientist hard for you to portray?

VirginiaHey: Yes, it was very hard for me to portray. At first, it really did break my heart and they were real tears. I can't bear any form of cruelty whatsoever in my own life, and it was very difficult for me to portray cruelty as an actress.
VirginiaHey: But the dark side of Zhaan that came out in first in episode 8 (That Old Black Magic) was a stroke of genius from Rockne, David and Richard, and it continued through from there into the episode you mentioned and beyond.
VirginiaHey: Zhaan's dark side, I feel, adds dimension and depth to her. She has struggled away from her dark nature and moved toward the light. That's more admirable than a fundementally pure person extending their range, so to speak.

Moderator: <dude-number-1> to <Moderator>: just went to your page virginia, you look even more beautiful w/o your makeup!!!!!!!

VirginiaHey: ha ha ha. :)
VirginiaHey: Well, thank you very much. I hope you like my new blonde wig!

Moderator: <CrowTS> to <Moderator>: What would you like to do after Farscape?

VirginiaHey: Grow my hair!!!!!
VirginiaHey: (laughs)

Moderator: <MoyasPilot> to <Moderator>: Are you enjoying your time off, and are you going to make any appearances in the US soon? :)

VirginiaHey: I'm loving my time off. I'm reading lots of books and spending time with my beautiful pets.
VirginiaHey: No, I won't be able to get over to America this break but possibly after the next season I'll pop over.
VirginiaHey: But in the meantime, there will be an open line of communication with me through my website. I'll always keep you posted as to what my movements are.

Moderator: <Ooshati> to <Moderator>: Everyone is set on John and Aeryn getting together. Do you see Zhaan having a romance?
Moderator: You can visit Virginia's website at www.virginia-hey.com.

VirginiaHey: I'd love to see Zhaan in a romance, but we'll have to wait and see what the writers invent for me.

Moderator: <Persona> to <Moderator>: While we've been waiting during the chat...I've been checking out your site. It looks really great! Did you work on the site all by yourself? (Besides writing all the great text?)
Moderator: ----

VirginiaHey: No, I'm glad you mentioned that.
VirginiaHey: The site was designed by an Australian company called Cybernet. My input into the design was vast but Kylie and Brett at Cybernet helped me along every step of the way.
VirginiaHey: All of the text that's there was just written straight from thought. I didn't want to edit it too much because I wanted it to be as though I was speaking directly to a close friend.

Moderator: <crowman186> to <Moderator>: What does solar flares really feel like to you?

VirginiaHey: (laughs)
VirginiaHey: Oh, what a question!!
VirginiaHey: Like a sugar rush. :)

Moderator: <elhaym> to <Moderator>: Any big plot twists involving Zhaan this season?

VirginiaHey: You'll have to wait and see what sprouts up. Yes, there are some fantastic twists and turns for Zhaan.

Moderator: <crowman186> to <Moderator>: Do you think aliens exist outside of our solar system and if so what do you think they would be like?
Moderator: Send any questions you have to the Moderator with /msg Moderator or simply double-click on the Moderator's name in the list of names on the right side of their screen.

VirginiaHey: I definitely believe that alien life exists, not only in the universe but definitely in our solar system.
VirginiaHey: I believe that life on earth originally involved from some alien form.

Moderator: <Ricks8> to <Moderator>: What are your favorite episodes?

VirginiaHey: That Old Black Magic, DNA Mad Scientist, Rhapsody In Blue...
VirginiaHey: Back and Back and Back to the Future.
VirginiaHey: They've Got A Secret.
VirginiaHey: ...it's so hard to chose because I'm in love with every single episode.
VirginiaHey: Through the Looking Glass is brilliant, watch out for that one coming up.

Moderator: <Fox-Mulder1013> to <Moderator>: where can I get an autographed pic?

VirginiaHey: That's a very good question.
VirginiaHey: I'll have to put my thinking cap on about that, and I'll keep you posted via my website.

Moderator: <Solanio> to <Moderator>: What challenges are you interested in seeing Zhaan face in the future that she's not had a chance to face as yet?
Moderator: We will be rapping up the chat in a few minutes. Please submit your final questions.

VirginiaHey: I think the ongoing battle with Zhaan's dark side is very exciting for me to play.
VirginiaHey: But as far as future challenges, we'll just have to wait and see.
VirginiaHey: I'm open to all suggestions.

Moderator: <Myrl> to <Moderator>: will you give any spoilers to your fans about the upcoming season?

VirginiaHey: I wish I could but I really can't because I'd be strangled.
VirginiaHey: But it's real sit-on-the-edge-of-your-seat stuff.
VirginiaHey: Oh, before I forget: A very special big kiss to JaenGale, and I want to thank her for all her support.

Moderator: <Ig0r> to <Moderator>: Do you think that Farscape will have a long future ahead of it?

VirginiaHey: XXXX
VirginiaHey: Absolutely! You're not going to get rid of us quickly.
VirginiaHey: We'll be there as long as you are.
VirginiaHey: XXXX (for you too)
VirginiaHey: XOXOX

Moderator: <JohnCrichtonIASA> to <Moderator>: Any plans for a Farscape movie?

VirginiaHey: Wouldn't that be great!?! I'd definitely be up for that.
VirginiaHey: You'll have to send a special "please" to Rockne and Brian Henson.
VirginiaHey: Send one from me, too.l

Moderator: <PhantomComputer> to <Moderator>: ... What was your favorite scene from Farscape ... that ended up being cut from the episode?

VirginiaHey: I'm not aware of any of my favorite scenes being cut.
VirginiaHey: Things occasionally end up on the cutting room floor, but we have to trust the directors' discression, and they always do the right thing by us.
VirginiaHey: Bless their hearts.

Moderator: <dna> to <Moderator>: How does watching and episode compare to making an episode?

VirginiaHey: That's a very good question. It's often hard to sit back and watch an episode as though it's the first time I've ever seen it.
VirginiaHey: I find I have to watch the episode 2 or 3 times to get over any self-consciousness about my performance.
VirginiaHey: and to stop myself from critiquing the episodes on a professional level.
VirginiaHey: So the 3rd viewing for me is the one where I can really sit and relax and just enjoy.

Moderator: Final question for Virginia.
Moderator: <TracicarT> to <Moderator>: Have you done any theatre work, and if so - how does it compare to working on the show?

VirginiaHey: Yes, I've done a little bit of theatre. It was a musical so it can't compare to television, but I love the opportunity of making a fool of myself LIVE.
VirginiaHey: (hi Traci)

Moderator: This is defineatly the final question for Virginia.
Moderator: <JTMarechal> to <Moderator>: What would you like Zhaan's final fate to be? Getting home? Sailing off into the stars?

VirginiaHey: That's a very good question.
VirginiaHey: I think ultimately I'd like to see Zhaan at peace with herself, having resolved the conflict within her. And I think because Zhaan is such an evolved spirit, it won't matter about her physical placement once she attains pure balance, I think she will be at peace. Whether that is at home or in some other location.

Moderator: Thank you Virginia Hey for joing us tonight. Do you have any final words for our chatters tonight?

VirginiaHey: Thank you all for coming to chat with me.
VirginiaHey: It feels all to brief. I wish we could speak for another hour!
VirginiaHey: Until we speak again, I'll miss you all, and I hope you like my little present.
VirginiaHey: Be sure to visit it at www.virginia-hey.com.
VirginiaHey: A lot of it is still under construction at the moment, but let me know what you think.
VirginiaHey: And I'll keep seeing you all every Friday and Saturday.
VirginiaHey: Thank you very much for all loving the show and being so supportive and enthusiastic.
VirginiaHey: See you soon!

Moderator: Thank you all for coming to tonight's chat. I will make the the room unmoderated now.