A Snurcher's Guide to Farscape

Official Convention, Burbank 2001

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Event Schedule:

Day 1

  1. Welcome from Brian Henson & David Kemper
  2. Gigi Edgley
  3. Producers & Directors (panel discussion)
  4. Tammy MacIntosh
  5. Blooper Reel
  6. Anthony Simcoe

Day 2

  1. Wayne Pygram
  2. Writers Panel
  3. Francesca Buller
  4. "Stump the Experts" Trivia
  5. Lani Tupu
  6. Charity Auction
  7. Making of "Revenging Angel" (panel)

Day 3

  1. Q&A with Kemper
  2. Claudia Black
  3. Ben Browder
  4. DVD Commentary on Green Eyed Monster


The second annual Official Farscape Convention was held in Burbank, California, over the 2001 Labor Day weekend.

Appearing at the convention was the majority of the current cast, as well as several crew members (listed alphabetically):

This report was transcribed from rough notes taken during the weekend's events. All quotes are paraphrases, accurate to the best of our recollection/notes, but also subject to the failure of both.

To view the report for each day of this event, please use the links in the sidebar at left.

For some wonderful pictures of the event, we recommend these two sites: